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Do e-cigarettes explode? What is the cause?

Inferior batteries cause explosions

Inferior battery materials generally have shortcomings such as poor incoming materials, poor cyclability, zero strain difference, unstable discharge voltage, electronic tobacconistand easy decomposition of the electrolyte, which is likely to cause battery short-circuit and explosion.


An external environment unfavorable for heat dissipation leads to an explosion

If the electronic cigarette does not have a good heat dissipation design and overheating control system, the heat inside the electronic cigarette cannot be dissipated in a timely and effective manner, resulting in a combustion and explosion accident.


Explosion caused by overcharging

The chargers of some electronic cigarette products do not have an overcharge protection function. Once overcharged, the smoke control chip will fail, and it is easy to cause accidents such as battery heating, swelling, liquid leakage and even explosion.


How to prevent electronic cigarettes from exploding?

Electronic cigarette precautions and key points:

How to identify the taste of electronic cigarettes

台長: wljiateng
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