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preparing for the National High School Exam in Biology

Refer to this article, Vuihoc.vn will share with you the method of preparing for the National High School Exam in Biology 2023 so that you can confidently prepare for the exam. The knowledge, grasping methods, problem solving methods and exam preparation exercises are synthesized by Vui Hoc in a very detailed and quality manner.

1. Effective method of preparing for the 2023 high school exam in Biology

A. Understand the structure of knowledge in the exam

This is a very important thing that you need to do in the process of preparing for the 2022 high school exam because this is the key to helping candidates plan a plan to capture the exam so that it is effective and reasonable. compared to their own capacity.


Knowing the details of the exam structure will help candidates not be surprised when taking the same exam. At the same time, avoid the "trap" given by the issuer. Please refer to the sample test questions of famous schools, the official exam questions of recent years, glad that these files are very useful for students.


B. Allocate time to study for exams reasonably

Make a detailed timetable for exam preparation To help you avoid spending too much time on one topic, but not having time on other topics that lead to you It is very unfortunate that you lose marks in the easy questions, but the knowledge of these questions lies in the content that you have not studied.


Sharing of many students who achieved high scores, they need to spend 1 hour a day in order to grasp the National High School Biology exam. During the sprint, the contestants will spend 2 hours. In there:


25 minutes for the candidates to learn new knowledge


10 minutes for the process of recapturing and summarizing the knowledge learned


15 minutes for the process of doing Exercises of new types of knowledge


For the sprint stage, focus on solving problems and supplementing knowledge gaps.

C. Actively practice different types of questions

For any subject, not only for each student, preparing the main topic is very, very important in the roadmap for students to prepare for the national high school exam in 2023. Through the process of solving problems, students have just had can accumulate more knowledge for themselves, while training and preparing for doing skills (reading comprehension skills, exclusion skills, quick test skills...) to create thinking reflexes in order to come up with solutions to exercises quickly, accurately and efficiently.

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Above are the details of the article on preparing for the National High School Exam in Biology 2023 Happy High School has been compiled in order to send to all students. Please study well To achieve high results in the upcoming high school graduation exam!

台長: vuihoc
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