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Drag 2 platium unbox check

The VOOPOO DRAG 2 Platinum Kit continues the epic legacy of the original DRAG, presenting a highly intelligent GENE.FIT Chip with multiple power output modes and an updated chassis to pair with the mesh-coil UFORCE T2 Sub-Ohm Tank. The GENE.FIT Chip is dynamic and quite efficient with battery efficiency, with the addition of multiple output power adjustments such as Flavor Set, Cloud Set, and Battery Set. The UFORCE T2 Tank features 5mL maximum eJuices reservoir, ergonomic sliding top-fill design, triple-slotted airflow control, and the utilization of the mesh-capable UFORCE OCC Coil System. DRAG 2 Platinum Kit is powered by dual 18650 batteries (not included) and maximum output reached 177W.

More Voopoo new products information,just visit this link: Voopoo

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