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7 11年菜目錄 2017年菜外帶料理台北濱江有人吃過嗎 7 11年菜目錄

大甲火鍋料宅配2015年01月31日 18:47


由《終極警探》系列布魯斯威利主演的科幻動作鉅片《啟動機械碼》,將在今年農曆春節檔泰山 燒烤期第一棒起跑,以《等一個人咖啡》爆紅的布魯斯,挺「布魯斯威利」,31日為電影站台,並與4位打扮成電影中類人型機器人的身材火辣女模大方互動,又是深蹲、又是伏地挺身和按摩,豔福不淺。




布魯斯跟4位辣模輪番抽籤做出指定動作,一開始是跟辣模十指交扣做深蹲運動,緊接著是讓其中一位坐在他身上施展伏地挺身,大秀健壯的好身材跟男子氣概。做完兩個耗體力的運動後,就是辣模們輪番幫布魯斯施展按摩放鬆,因為女模按摩他腿的位置太尷尬,他還出聲阻止「別再按大腿了啦!這樣會好尷尬」4位辣模也服侍布魯斯,餵他享用爆新店火鍋推薦 平價米花及飲料,讓他彷彿帝王般大享齊人之福,活動最後,布魯斯也率領4辣模發放「威力彩」給現場參加活動的民眾,希望帶來好運,在新年開春之初搶得好彩頭!


《啟動機械碼》劇情描述總裁朱利安(布魯斯威利 飾演)一手創立經營的未來度假娛樂勝地-犯罪樂園,這裡提供擬真精密的未來類人型機器人,提供富有客戶滿足他們的所有幻想,在這裡沒有法律、無須規則,不論姦淫擄掠、強暴謀殺全都無罪,樂園裡的類人型機器人,每晚都固定送回原廠,刪除24小時內的記憶,並重啟原始機械碼後再次展新推出。某天,一名類人型機器人凱莉(安珀查德絲 飾演)的機械碼,重設後發生錯誤,意外喚醒她從出廠後的每一段可怕記憶,驚恐的她在重重關卡下從犯罪樂園中逃脫出去,朱利安為了避免讓世人發現這名機械人在外頭逃竄,立即派遣狙擊小組展開追殺。而同時間,一直設法想關閉犯罪樂園的警探羅伊(湯瑪斯詹恩 飾演),在調查過程中意外發現了凱莉,試圖幫助她釐清事實真相,以及清查犯罪樂園的背後非法陰謀...。


(中央社記者溫貴香台北5日電)立法院長蘇嘉全今天對被問到昨天與總統蔡英文同台時兩人談論內容,僅以「哈哈」帶過表示,希望臨時會好好討論總預算案,如果為了一、兩案破壞氣氛又對立,非常可惜。 蘇嘉全昨天在朝野協商時說,臨時會一定要通過總預算案是朝野共識;法案部分則呼籲執政黨檢討不要提這麼多案,他以都市危險及老舊建築物加速重建獎勵條例為例說,只要有1個黨團拉下協商就根本過不了。 蘇嘉全上午在立法院受訪表示,有兩、三案還在協商期間,既然過不了,提出就沒意義,希望臨時會非常平和,好好討論一些重要的民生議案,如總預算案。 他說,如果為一、兩案破壞整個氣氛,春節前又對立,對整個立法院而言非常可惜。1060105


LOSE-LOSE SITUATION Mild inflation is expected this year, but regulatory measures would not be activated until inflation reaches 2 percent, the central bank saidBy Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterThe labor law amendments could improve working conditions, with only limited impact on consumer prices, the Cabinet said yesterday, rebutting what business leaders said were the side effects of the “lose-lose legislation.”Defending amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法), which stipulates a five-day workweek and higher overtime pay, the Executive Yuan said the legislation is a major improvement in general working conditions, while the impact on businesses is acceptable to labor-intensive industries.Chinese National Federation of Industries secretary-general Tsai Lien-sheng (蔡練生) on Tuesday said the amendments were a “lose-lose” legislation that hurt employers, workers and consumers with increased personnel costs, lower salaries due to fewer working hours and rising consumer prices.“That employers quibble with employees [over overtime pay] is what makes it a lose-lose situation,” Vice Premier Lin Hsi-yao (林錫耀) said, calling on businesses to take care of their employees.Two major goals of the amendments — to reduce working hours and unify the nation’s leave schemes — have been achieved, although there are side effects, such as a rise in operating costs for labor-intensive businesses.The legislation hardly affects companies that have already adopted a five-day workweek, which accounts for about 65 percent of the workforce, Lin said.For employers of the other 35 percent of workers, they are likely to see a tolerable increase in personnel costs.“The public has misunderstood the legislation and believed that businesses would have to pay considerably more in overtime pay, but that is not the case,” Lin said.The amendments would increase the personnel and operational costs of the manufacturing industry by 1.5 percent and 0.1 percent respectively, National Development Council Deputy Minister Kung Ming-hsin (龔明鑫) said.As for the service industry, a labor-intensive industry that is more susceptible to the new overtime pay requirements, personnel and operational costs would only increase by 2.1 percent and 0.22 percent respectively, Kung added.The nation will experience “very mild inflation,” with this year’s inflation estimated at 1.26 percent to 1.46 percent, which is “fairly acceptable,” central bank Governor Perng Fai-nan (彭淮南) said, adding that the central bank would not activate regulatory measures until inflation reaches 2 percent.The consumer price index is estimated to rise by between 0.2 percent to 0.4 percent this year with the implementation of the legislation and the nation is likely to see a low and stable rise in consumer prices, Perng added.The Fair Trade Commission is to monitor whether businesses are making coordinated price adjustments to manipulate the market. No such activity has been evident in restaurant prices, it said.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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