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請問一題英文問題(營39)各位大大我最近做英文考卷看到一句英文如下所示(39), every 60 years or so the bamboo in a certain area may naturally bloom and die off.(A)To be sure(B)To begin with(C)To sum up(D)To make matters... 顯示更多 請問一題英文問題(營39) 各位大大 我最近做英文考卷看到一句英文如下所示 (39), every 60 years or so the bamboo in a certain area may naturally bloom and die off. (A)To be sure (B)To begin with (C)To sum up (D)To make matters worse (1)這一句的語意是甚麼? (2)這一題在測驗考生何種英文能力? (3)這一題的句子結構要如何分析?是不是在考分詞構句的用法? (4)以下單字或片語是甚麼意思?或者我應該問說在這裡是要怎麼解釋呢? 資料來源:出自於以下題目的第39個空格 Currently, the biggest problem that pandas face is the loss of their natural habitat. This loss is mainly due to deforestation. Because of rapid population growth in the past decades, large areas of natural forest (36) for agriculture, timber and human housing. As settlers push up the mountain slopes , panda habitat (37) disappears. Deforestation also threatens the pandas ’ food supply. Pandas feed mainly on bamboo, (38) up to 38 kilograms a day. Without enough forest area, the pandas will starve. (39) , every 60 years or so the bamboo in a certain area may naturally bloom and die off. It will (40) several years for the new bamboo shoots to grow back. During this time, many wild pandas have to search for other areas to live in. However, deforestation now leaves them with nowhere else to go. 更新: (4)不好意思,補充一下,我想要知道的單字或片語如下: ˙To be sure ˙To begin with ˙To sum up ˙To make matters worse 更新 2: (5)or so在這裡是甚麼意思? 更新 3: (6)certain在這裡是甚麼意思?


39), every 60 years or so the bamboo in a certain area may naturally bloom and die off. (A)To be sure (B)To begin with (C)To sum up (D)To make matters worse 正解: (D)To make matters worse (1)這一句的語意是甚麼? 更糟的是, 每隔約60年再某一區的竹子會自然開花相繼死去. (2)這一題在測驗考生何種英文能力? 測驗考生閱讀文章時的邏輯理解能力. 以前後文銜接的語意邏輯來看, A.B.C都不通, 只有D最順暢. (3)這一題的句子結構要如何分析?是不是在考分詞構句的用法? To make matters worse, every 60 years or so the bamboo in a certain area may naturally bloom and die off. 句型: 最簡單的S+V. 藍底色的是主詞, 紅底色的是動詞, 其餘都是修飾語. To make matters worse 是獨立副詞片語; every 60 years or so 是時間副詞片語. in a certain area 是地點副詞片語. naturally 單一副詞. (4)以下單字或片語是甚麼意思?或者我應該問說在這裡是要怎麼解釋呢? 您問的是啥單字或片語???? 2012-06-16 14:16:26 補充: ˙To be sure 確切來說,... ˙To begin with 首先,... ˙To sum up 總結來說,... ˙To make matters worse 更糟的是,... 已前後文的銜接語意, 選D. 2012-06-16 14:19:24 補充: (5)or so在這裡是甚麼意思? 左右; 大約; 的樣子 (6)certain在這裡是甚麼意思 某個


台長: victorjfqib8w
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