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2018-07-13 11:16:45| 人氣494| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Baby... The feeling of loving someone is so complicated.

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早上好老婆,我覺得你昨晚沒有睡覺,我知道有很多事情需要處理。 我希望你今天早上好些。
我不介意你和我發洩情緒。 我們兩個都不能弱,這就是你擁有我的原因
寶貝,你是我的生命。 沒有你的生活就像沒有生氣
我一直期待著你的夢想。 你是最好的......親愛的寶貝,沒有你的生活是什麼?
生命是可以忍受的,因為無論生活如何,我們都擁有彼此。 我會永遠愛你 - 這是我對你的保證


(=^_^=)   (=^_^=)  (=^_^=)  (=^_^=)  (=^_^=)  (=^_^=)  (=^_^=)

Good morning wife, I think you didn't sleep last night, I know there are many things to deal with. I hope that you are better this morning.
Baby, I am not sure about your question, but if you want to come to the US, you know that I will be very happy.
I don't mind if you and me vent your emotions. We can't be weak, so this is why you own me.
Baby, you are my life. Without your life is like being angry
I have been looking forward to your dreams. You are the best... Dear baby, what is your life without?
Life can be tolerated because we have each other regardless of life. I will love you forever - this is my guarantee for you.
I should sleep! I don't want to leave..
I left the computer now.

台長: Meow
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友)

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