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2005-06-15 21:03:21| 人氣81| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

618 Party

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Excited about the 618 party this weekend...It's been a long time that I have not been really organizing a party!

Still remember that the last one that held by me was "The D-Party" in 1999 at Dino Disco, hosted by the name of the Dune Union 6 years ago, which was really memorable and interesting!!

Of course, the party this time is for birthday purpose, which is totally different; and it also makes me thought of my last birthday – was in LKF and better not to mention it anymore...

So fast, it's now already another year, anyway, I look forward to have fun this year!

台長: Vagman 衛


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