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enablement和written description及claim的關係

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United States Court of Appeals for the Federal CircuitUnited States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit


March 22, 2007


Claim 10 of the 5,456,669 patent is representative of the asserted claims of the front-loading patents and reads as follows:

A method of loading a tubular replacement syringe into a high pressure power injector for injecting fluid into an animal, the method comprising the steps of:

providing a power injector having:

a syringe receiving opening with a generally circular periphery therein adapted to receive a rearward end of a syringe having a generally circular rim,

a ram and a motor linked to the ram and operable to reciprocate the ram along a segment of a line projecting through the opening; and providing a hollow tubular syringe that includes:

a cylindrical body having an axis, a generally circular rim, a rearward end and a closed forward end with a fluid discharge orifice therein, and

a plunger axially slidable in the body, the syringe body being structurally capable of withstanding, at least from the rim to the orifice, fluid at an operating pressure of at least 100 psi within the interior thereof;


inserting into the opening, by generally rearward axial movement of the syringe, the rearward end of the body;

rotating the syringe in the opening a fraction of a turn to thereby lock the body around the rim to the injector around the periphery of the opening; and

engaging the plunger with the ram;


energizing the motor and thereby driving the ram forward along the line and parallel to the axis to move the plunger axially forward at a programmed speed to inject the fluid at the operating pressure from within the syringe and through the orifice at a programmed rate into the animal.


以上是相當合乎Bilski之後的判斷標準的方法項寫法… tied to a particular machine


Medrad asserted, and the district court agreed, that during the prosecution of the front-loading patents, the applicants became aware of Medrad’s jacketless injector system and then deleted all references to a pressure jacket in the asserted claims in order to encompass Medrad’s injector within the scope of the claims.


5,456,669的專利權人因為貪心,把原來有的一項限制(pressure jacket)拿掉,擴大專利保護範圍,使得Medrad沒有jacket的注射器侵權。


Even though the claims do not expressly recite a pressure jacket, the district court initially construed the asserted claims of the front-loading patents as requiring a pressure jacket. Based on that construction, the district court granted summary judgment of noninfringement in favor of Medrad because Medrad’s accused devices do not contain a pressure jacket.


一審的時候,即使claim中沒有pressure jacket,一審法官還是在claim construction時加上這個限制。這是一審法官常幹的事,幫claim另外加上一些沒出現在claim中的限制,或是利用實施例來限縮權利範圍。結果是被告沒有侵權。


In the first appeal to this court, we reversed the district court’s claim construction and determined that the asserted claims of the front-loading patents do not require a pressure jacket.




On remand and in light of our claim construction, the district court concluded that Medrad’s devices did infringe the asserted claims of the front-loading patents, but that those claims were invalid for lack of compliance with the written description and enablement requirements of the statute.




The district court reasoned that the claims were invalid for lack of written description because the specification does not describe a jacketless injector. The court noted that the written description of the invention is directed to the improvement of “loading and unloading a syringe given the constraints presented by the pressure jacket.”


原因是說明書中沒有描述jacketless injector的實施例


The court observed that a pressure jacket was necessary to “maintain the integrity of the syringe housing against pressures the syringe encounters during operation of the injector.” The court further noted that the inventors themselves testified as to the importance of the pressure jacket around the syringe and that the experiments with and testing of jacketless systems were unsuccessful. The court also relied on testimony of Liebel’s engineers that a jacketless system was not a mere design option and that one skilled in the art would not know how to make a jacketless system.


然而pressure jacket是不可或缺的元件


The court further found that no prototypes of a jacketless injector had been made or described at the time of filing, and that the state of the art was such that a jacketless system with a disposable syringe would have been a “true innovation.”


Jacketless injector會是一個全新的發明(所以必須揭露清楚)


Thus, the court concluded that Medrad had proffered clear and convincing evidence that the specification does not satisfy the written description and enablement requirements.


再上訴時二審法官認為USC 112第一段的enablement不只是要讓習知技藝者可以根據實施例來完成該發明,還必須要使得claim所涵蓋的範圍都是可以讓人可以據以實施。


We have previously construed the claims of the front-loading patents such that they are not limited to an injector with a pressure jacket, and therefore the full scope of the claimed inventions includes injectors with and without a pressure jacket. That full scope must be enabled, and the district court was correct that it was not enabled.


換句話說,claim所保護到的範圍,只要是沒人做過的,都要揭露清楚。這個觀點和Automotive technologies v. BMW 2007,關於偵測汽車側邊撞擊感應器一案的判決結果相符。


Similarly, in this case, the asserted claims read on, and the full scope of the claimed invention includes, an injector system with and without a pressure jacket. There must be “reasonable enablement of the scope of the range” which, in this case, includes both injector systems with and without a pressure jacket. Id.


Claim包含了with/without pressure jacket兩種實施方式,實施例就必須要兩種都揭露(主要也是因為法官認為pressure jacket對於此injector極為重要)


The irony of this situation is that Liebel successfully pressed to have its claims include a jacketless system, but, having won that battle, it then had to show that such a claim was fully enabled, a challenge it could not meet. The motto, “beware of what one asks for,” might be applicable here.




Because the district court correctly granted summary judgment that Liebel’s patents are invalid, we affirm the conclusion that all the asserted claims are invalid,…



台長: 蘿蔔
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