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【熱門商品】Maxi-Cosi邁可適兒童推車Stella包含嬰兒睡籃 超值推流行




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Maxi-Cosi Stroller Stella including Carrycot Oria 設計式樣: Nomad Black · 2019

Maxi-Cosi's stroller Stella including the carrycot Oria supplies your child with a cosy retreat on four wheels from a comfortable carrycot to a spacious sport seat.

Items delivered:

  • Maxi-Cosi pushchair Stella

  • Maxi-Cosi carrycot Oria

The stroller's swivel front wheels contribute to optimum manoeuvrability, which makes it the ideal companion for any shopping trip through town. According to wishes and terrain you can easily lock the front wheels. The shock absorbing outdoor wheels as well as the rear wheel suspension provide a smooth ride and compensate any irregularity of the surface you are driving on. Thus, you are ready to go on exciting trips no matter the terrain.

Due to its various smart combinations this stroller exceeds all expectations of both a modern and practical stroller. You can combine the pushchair with either the carrycot Oria included in the set or else with any infant car seat by Maxi-Cosi (not included in delivery) and thus transform this neat stroller into a multi-functional stroller which is ready to be used right from birth and up.

The carrycot Oria features spacious internal dimensions that will satisfy every tiny passenger. It supplies your child with a spot in which he can cuddle up and feel safe and comfy at all times. Practical carry handles make it super easy for you to transport this lightweight carrycot. A built-in adaptor helps you attach the Oria to the pushchair Stella. Other features such as the mosquito net, the rain cover and the wind-proof blanket make this carrycot suitable for accompanying you and your child in any season.

The Maxi-Cosi stroller Stella is equipped with a spacious sports seat. Its multiply adjustable backrest can be transformed into a full reclining position in no time at all - this way your little one can cuddle up and rest or take a nap whenever he or she wishes to. Due to a five-point belt and a safety bar your child is prevented from standing up or dropping out. Thanks to the height adjustable push bar both mom and dad can enjoy driving the stroller regardless of their height.

The spacious shopping basket supplies you with enough space to store all the necessities and niceties needed for when you're out and about. The large sun canopy with UV-Protection 50+ protects your little one in direct sunlight and wind. The stroller Stella can be folded into a compact size easily and in no time at all. When folded it is freestanding.

Details of stroller Stella:

  • Suitable from birth to approx. 3,5 years

  • Strong chassis

  • Free standing when folded

  • Shock-absorbing outdoor wheels

  • Can be folded with or without seat unit

  • Height-adjustable push bar

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • Rear wheels' suspension

  • Comfort seat with built-in new-born insert
  • 購物大力推薦

  • Seat can be reclined for use right from birth

  • Adjustable footrest

  • Protective sun canopy with viewing panel

  • Five-point harness
  • 超人氣商品網購人氣商品

  • Central braking system

  • Removable and washable cover
  • 超值推流行

  • Removable play bar

  • Including shopping basket, sun canopy, parasol clip, rain cover, adaptor and comfort cushion

  • Weight: 13,5 kg

  • Chassis: aluminium

Details of carrycot Oria:

  • Available in various designs

  • Co-ordinates with Maxi-Cosi strollers Nova, Stella, Dana

  • Including mattress, wind-proof blanket, sun canopy, rain cover, mosquito net

  • Easy to fold

  • Size unfolded: 42 x 84 x 58 cm, folded: 45 x 84 x 17 cm

  • Weight: 4 kg

  • Made in Portugal









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推薦, Maxi-Cosi邁可適兒童推車Stella包含嬰兒睡籃

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