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2004-09-10 20:15:55| 人氣18| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

so sweet~!!!

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today ar... quiet good la... so good in fact...
haha... I am too bored la~ no ideas la~ think of that, I have a long time haven't write dairy lu...why today yau wui write ga ne??? happy gua... haha, sth happy... sweet!!!
kaka, too many haven't meaning words la~~~ no ideas la~~~ I am stupid ma~ happy over!! why I am happy ne??? because of him??? haha, I think...
so happy, near...near... love sb really feel good... even he don't know! 祇要靠在一起就能感覺甜蜜 ma!!!
maybe I am not Jay fans now lu... because of him?? him??? I ng mind la~ the more just Jay will lose a fans je~~ all idol dou yau lose fans ge day ga la~~~ I can't think that I really... in the past... but now?? haha... have happen lu...
u think not to be a Jay fans is a good or not? tell ur suggestion!
I am not hate him in fact, just not very very like, but very like~!!!
...hope u will understand wt I am saying...
...my eng, too bad la....

台長: 詩伶
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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