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Analysis on Improvement of MLP Through Five Ways

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Most modern marketers know how important the mobile marketing platform is – with the astounding growth of people using mobile devices, how could you not?

With all the emphasis on advertising and providing mobile optimized content, it makes sense to ensure your mobile landing pages are ready, too. I don’t just mean passing off a regular landing page to mobile visitors, but have a solid, platform-specific landing page in place.

To get you there, let’s look at 5 ways that give your landing pages the mobile ingredient they need.

5 Ways to Improve Mobile Landing Pages

1. One Finger Functionality Test

The old saying is “keep things simple.” Nothing’s more simple than using the one finger test for your mobile landing pages. If your visitor can use just one finger to interact and navigate your landing pages using their mobile devices, you’re golden.

This doesn’t mean any extras, like zooming, pinching or other extra work beyond using just one finger. If you make your visitor work too hard on your mobile landing pages, chances are they’ve already bounced out to another site.

2. Mobile Landing Pages Should Just Work

Your landing pages need to give your visitors what they need, when they hit your page. If you rely on additional extras, like flash, there could be issues that frustrate them to leave your landing pages.

When it comes to mobile landing pages, ensure you have everything in check. That means aligning your delivery with content providers that understand mobile and deliver it right. This will ensure your pages work on any device – from Apple to Android, your site needs compatibility. It’s not only a conversion optimization basic; it’s a marketing basic.

3. Use Analytics to Build Mobile Landing Pages

One tool that helps your conversion optimization efforts is analytics. By looking at the stats and figuring out the behavior of those users with mobile devices, you have what you need to optimize your landing pages.

4. Test, Test, Test Those Mobile Landing Pages

Others and myself preach it here on a regular basis: you must test yourlanding pages to get the maximum return on your investment – this is no different for mobile.

Test everything from messaging to images and positioning. Early on testing helps finds things that make a big difference later on. When your mobile landing pages bring in more revenue, while creating less spend, you know you’re doing it right.

5. Short Forms for Mobile Landing Pages

Do you find long forms on landing pages a pain? Imagine those on mobile landing pages. On a mobile device, users on a mission and if they must fill out long forms on their smart phone, the frustration factor will get the best of them and add to your abandon rate.

When it comes to mobile landing pages, think short forms. Yes, gathering information is crucial, but only get a few fields and then move the user on to more important tasks.

In Mobile Marketing, Don’t Forget Conversions

With these helpful tips on creating more useful mobile landing pages, you’re on your way to putting together your whole mobile marketing strategy. Remember, it’s not just about pushing out mobile content or advertising; it’s also about converting those mobile prospects into leads.

The article is provided by Henan Hongxing,which is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, for example,cement mill, it is always doing the best in products and service.You can visit Hongxing at Sand Maker:http://www.hx-crusher.com/.

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