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2003-03-26 20:56:53| 人氣9| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

031003 The uncalled-for mischief

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Yes, Adam, give us a shout. We need to finalize some details over our theater workshop, and your email has simply ceased to work!! Should it be a week of improvising or two weeks? Why don't you come over tomorrow night, and we'll make sandwiches. My sister can be the sandwidch girl this time round. I've got a new stock of 'your favorites' coming in. Later we'll talk a bit more over a plate of olives, if you know what I mean.

come to the junction of hoping & shida rd 7.30pm tomorrow and someone will pick you up from there.

dancing flower

----- Original Message -----
From: yvonne yvonne
To: ch3@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: CH3 >> Instructions..Ping for Adam Smith

Dear Adam:

I accidentally blocked your mail and all the contact numbers, please... re-send it.

You recommend some good books to read, I need specific instructions. I think it can be used to my political economy class, and would be a great help for my next week’s presentation.

My twin sister, dancing flower, gives her best regards to you, she said, your cooking was, as usual, simply marvelous.
I’ll enclose copies of some photos I took at your place, I’m afraid they are not very good, but I hope they serve as a small reminder of the enjoyable time we spent together,

Talk to you soon,

Flying Cat

台長: foxy
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全站分類: 電玩動漫(電玩、動畫、漫畫、同人)

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