今天上網購買了MINI by Easywalker Buggy Charley
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MINI by Easywalker Buggy Charley 2019
Designed in collaboration with MINI, the MINI by Easywalker buggy Charley stands out as a
stylish companion which is particularly suitable for when living in a city. Premium materials and subtle MINI appliqués add a touch of elegance and sportiness to this buggy.
Featuring a low weight of only 8 kg Charley is not only small and compact, but also
the lightest buggy in the compact segment.
With just a few simple steps, this adorable buggy can be folded into a small, compact and free-standing unit.
Its seat unit is easy to remove and by using adaptors you can either attach a carrycot or most standard infant car seats to the chassis - that way, you can use the Charley as a pram or travel system.
(Infant car seat and carrycot are not included in delivery.)Seat unit and carrycot can be
adjusted in height by using adaptors. The push bar as well as the canopy are also height adjustable.
In order to make your child feel relaxed and comfortable during the ride in the Charley, you can
adjust the large seat unit in three different levels.
The 5-point harness keeps your little passenger safe in the seat and protects him from falling out.
If desired, you can attach the seat unit both in a
forward-facing or rear-facing mode.
large shopping basket offers enough space for smaller and larger purchases.
- Agile and easy to use
- Can be converted from buggy to stroller
- Can be used as travel system
- Low weight: 8 kg
- Very compact folding size
- Comfortable driving experience
- Height-adjustable seat unit, carrycot, push bar and canopy
- Reversible seat unit can be adjusted in three different levels
- Large, easily accessible shopping basket
- By using adaptors Charley is compatible with almost all standard infant car seats (Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Kiddy, BeSafe)
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NBA》詹姆斯因身體痠痛休戰 湖人群龍無首不敵勇士
洛杉磯湖人今日的情況可說是雪上加霜,陣中球星詹姆斯(Lebron James)因身體痠痛休戰就算了,金州勇士的當家射手湯普森(Klay Thompson)又於本戰回歸,湖人在群龍無首的狀態之下,最終也以101比115敗給衛冕軍。
此役湖人除了詹姆斯休戰之外,當家中鋒錢德勒也休息未出賽(Tyson Chandler),使得勇士中鋒卡珍斯(DeMarcus Cousins)如入無人之境,全場拿下18分10籃板,可說是傷癒回歸至今的最佳表現,復出的湯普森轟下4顆三分球,繳出全場最高的28分,也讓在場的湖人球迷紛紛吶喊:「我們要湯普森!」
賽前湖人中鋒麥基(JaVale McGee)也於場中獲頒冠軍戒指,上一次雙方聖誕大戰麥基因病沒能出席,本次終於有機會領回戒指,勇士總教練柯爾對此說道:「麥基是我們過去兩次總冠軍的重要成員,過去幾年感謝其的貢獻和精神,無論是否留在陣中,麥基都值得這樣的尊敬。」
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MINI by Easywalker Buggy Charley
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