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2006-06-29 02:00:17| 人氣5| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Oakland Temple in CA

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R:Okland Temple
L:Okland Temple Visitor Center

R:Book of Mormon in different language

Heidi’s Wedding

So pretty!

It’s last year.
It’s almost one year ago.
It’s the first Wedding in the Temple I attended.
We had driven from Pocatello,Idaho to San Francisco for 12 more hours.
And before that, I had been driven to Station for one hour and I took 8 hour to get to Pocatello from Bozeman.
It’s a long way to get to the Wedding but it’s worthy.
I was so excited to join their family party and meet Heidi’s husband even there were a lot of people I didn’t know.
They’re so cute and sweet. And I was so happy to be Heidi’s wedding.
We had been arranged to stay in some frineds’ house of them.
And the house are so pretty,colorful and neat over there.
Every family has their own design and decoration including thier little garden or backyard.
We did have good sleep in the amazing house and enjoy there as we’re home.
The next day, even I just can stay outside Temple and take care of the baby but I had a lot of fun in Oakland Temple Visitor Center.
And it’s so funny that everyone thought that’s my baby. Haha~
It’s good way to let people or non-member to know about church more.
It was so lucky that we got so beautiful and sunny day over there so that we could take a lot of pictures.
And it’s pretty good for getting married ’cause you won’t get wet.
It’s sunny California^O^文章來源(Article From): http://blog.webs-tv.net/loveandpeace2008/article/2150813

台長: 撒哈拉
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