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老歌亂談(988)California Kid and Reemo

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此曲為美國歌手Lobo ( 灰狼 ) 於1971所發行的單曲,成績算還可以,在流行榜獲得第72名 ( 在AC榜則為 # 19 )。曲風和同年才暴紅的《Me and You and a Dog Name Boo》有點類似,或因此也受到許多人的喜愛。

每次說到Lobo,都會想起他在改名之後才星運大發的事,而且「灰狼」這個名字,感覺起來是有些「孤獨」 ( 像是孤狼?),卻也符合這位老兄看似「有點自閉」的形象。再加上Lobo的歌曲多半都為軟性的、帶一些鄉村風的抒情搖滾,在亞洲地區 ( 尤其是台灣 ) 特別的受到歡迎,看來Lobo老兄真的是有被台灣熱情的歌迷感動到了,因而寫了一首《Love to You Taiwan》。

歌名的中的「Kid and Reemo」,明顯的是兩個人,在他二次遭遇困難的時候均伸出援手,也讓他得到了一些「愛」和「生活」的啟示。但Kid會有這樣的能耐嗎?頗啟人疑竇。故此歌名的背後是否有典故或是什麼隱喻,就不得而知了。

I met him one day in the Rockies
Where the night air tasted like wine
The winter was hard and had me starving
When the two of them found me in time

Then one night I crashed north of Reno
I'd been on the road too long
Then I woke to the warmth of her fire
And the sweet welcome home of his song

It was the California Kid and Reemo
Lending me a helping hand
It was the California Kid and Reemo
Teaching me to love
And teaching me to live off the land

I thanked them and headed for Oregon
The trees were the walls of my home
But the rain soaked my bones every morning
And the chill made me feel more alone

And just when I thought I should end it
The world didn't need men like me
My mind heard the song of my two friends
And the sun started shining on me

台長: 流浪阿狗
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