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2003-08-05 06:46:10| 人氣28| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

You got my answer?

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It's a little bit tough to deal with work in a professional yet none-attached manner. The question is can one expect another to put in his/her best when he/she does not, have any kind of emotional attachment to it? Would it be fair to further assume that by having no attachment, one does not find reasons to take pride, to motivate oneself into getting more involved and to do more, do well, and to be successful at work? What attitude and mentality is it required then, to ensure a positive output, both qualitative and quantitative by an individual? Is it really possible to be better if not the best, if you simply don't care... anymore?

Businesses, conducting businesses requires both common sense/logic/rational and that drive/ego/passion, good businesses make sense in both spectrum - head and heart. It isn't about the head vs. heart, it never is. It's about the combination of both and utilizing a bit more rationale rather than emotion at some point in time, and vice versa when the situation changes. It's about being flexible and having a good judgement... how can one produces great results if one does not exercise logical reasoning? Yet how can one enjoy working and to demonstrate significant progress if one is not passionate about his/her work?

How can we learn to not take work so personal when your title/position defines you (capabilities, status) in ways that can determine your failure or success? how can we learn to detach ourselves from work when you are emerged in work on an average of more than 8 hrs per day? how should we deal with the problems that arise from work that requires you to spend a lot of personal time thinking and contemplating for a solution that's required the next day? how should we take comments whether positive, or negative from our supervisor and not be affected either way? All these would require us to simply DON"T CARE. But by not caring, not giving a rat's ass about these, can we still ensure others of our full effort and an eventual success as a whole (company)? Heh, I strongly doubt it.

For those who ask me to take it easy and to not think about work, to let it go, is to ask me to become none attached to work. My answer is I can't because I cannot fail. I don't want to fail. But I am beginning to see, maybe it is better off not caring, better off letting go. By how much? Not sure, still searching for the answer

台長: tsun_z
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