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IO 的創意 (2006)

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{有留學經驗的人都知道, 學校裡有所謂的 "國際學生中心", 常常會為國際學生們辦活動, Dartmouth 也不例外, 只是現在回想起來, 我幾乎沒有參加 IO 辦的活動, 是當時太努力與美國的 "主流人口" 接觸呢?? 還是什麼其它原因, 已經記不得了.....}


IO 的創意

Date: 18 Jan 2006 08:59:14 EST
From: International Office
Subject: International Recipes Needed
International Student Association (ISA) is in the process of making an international cookbook. We need your help in getting recipes! If you have any recipes for international dishes, please fill out this form and send it to "Julian Mateo."
Your name will appear on the recipe(s) you provide. We need you to help by contributing recipes either from your country or cultural background. You do not need to be an international student or scholar to contribute. For example, if your parents or grandparents have a recipe that they brought over from their native country, this would be perfect. Thank you for your help!
Please submit the following information:
1. Your Name or Family Name:
2. Country or Culture of Food Origin:
3. Name of Food:
(Native name and/or English translation)
4. Type of Food
(eg. dessert, appetizer, main dish):
5. Ingredients:
6. Directions:
7. Any Interesting Facts:
(eg. history of food, roots of recipe, family name)
8. How many servings does the recipe make?
**學校的IO是真的很想做事; 可惜我是個現實的人,沒有需要都不去理他們....
啊, 原來我曾經如此 "現實" 啊.....

台長: Constance M.Y.
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全站分類: 教育學習(進修、留學、學術研究、教育概況) | 個人分類: 地球彼端之雪國 * 留學 |
此分類下一篇:雪生活 (2006)
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