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2011-10-30 21:27:26| 人氣16| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

blind dates 101

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Shinqhuey Tsai's latest project Blind Dates 101 involves about the popular mean of match making in Taiwan, or broaden to Asian area, especially Japan and Korea.

In the body of work, she attempted to unfold the paradox phenomena. Does this conception come from her real situation? I try to figure out how this idea had been inspired.

Being an unmarried, single, available, woman in Taiwan, she admits always being pressured when people ask her relationship status or something private. However, based on a suitable social manner, under this social air, she needs to answer. Moreover, avoid to being embarrassed , she always replied "yes", "sure, "why not?" when people want to be her match maker.

This project is inspired by this situation. She plans to blind date 100 guys, and records their conversation, and photography the process. Acting like a performance artist, she seen herself as a perchedise.  

Or we  
This kind of project is not the fresh 流派.
Ming-dao Lee had 

this performance is inspired by marina abramovic, ""





台長: 小錢
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