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2011-09-26 07:00:00
2004-03-14 20:28:13

20 30 40

下午站在電影院前,選來選去要看那一部電影..... 醜聞?鬼來電?20 30 40?當我們黏在一起?失控的陪審團? 最後我們選擇了20 30 40 這是我繼徵婚啟示後上電影院看的第一部國片 取景大都在我工作附近的樂利路...

2004-03-13 22:12:44


We have planned this for alomost 2 weeks,or maybe longer....As we can predict,we still slept over time. Right,the Yi Lan plan just melt in the two naked bodies on the bed. And Alex's call ch...

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