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2005-04-20 00:04:29| 人氣369| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Hello friends,
Thank you for greetings and care! I apologize for not being able to update news about myself. I've been traveling around Egypt and internet is not easy to get. Now I've settled myself in Cairo..at least for now..Cairo is a great city..Though far from coziness..it's one of the most exciting cities on earth! Here in Cairo, you will never stop thinking, wondering, tasting, disgesting whatever comes to your ear and eyes..You'll never find yourself without ppl yelling, singing, greeting, crowdeness, broken things, sands and dryness, ill health, bad food, laughters, casualness, animals, surprises, paradoxes...ppl're living in novelty...I'm like Aice who walks into the Wonderland..Now i have to look upside down, talk upside down..to live in this great city of a thousand and one nights..

Talk to you later! Maisalama!

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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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