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2013-05-29 14:56:14| 人氣133| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Online payment of property tax extension

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THE REVENUE COMMISSIONERS have extended the deadline for paying the property tax online until tomorrow evening due to the unprecedented volume of calls to the helpline dvd to iphone.

The original deadline was due to be at midnight tonight, but it has now been extended until 8pm on Wednesday.

In a statement this evening executive gift products, Revenue said that around 10,000 people are paying the charge per hour, while the helpline has received approximately 30,000 calls today alone from homeowners looking for information and help with their payment.

A total of 1.45 million returns have been filed as of 5.30pm today.

The Revenue Commissioners said they were “very happy” with the level of engagement from the public, Claire Hsu describing it as “a testament  to the strong voluntary compliance culture of the people of Ireland”.

台長: shalulu25
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