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2003-12-31 01:36:00| 人氣23| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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family gathering is the most wanted and need from my heart. I have never talk about any of my feelings and experience to my dad and mum. They are the nearest of kin my live but why it has to be far away from my life, for decade. How many decades can we afford for these isolation?
Lack of communication can break a every relationship. Day by day, dreaming and dreaming. Jealous can not bring my family back. I questioned myself for so many times that why me? why my family. Did I done anything wrong? Why? A practise for me to become more strong mentaly in family affair? It has step on my trust on family relationship, from escaping developing any new. I do not thing anyone can understand my feeling and I can not deny that I am escaping from every one.

台長: 慧曼
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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