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2003-03-21 10:48:33| 人氣101| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

In Lockwood

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working on my project and listening to music at the same time; somehow it makes me feel better.

accidentally linked to an internet radio website, which is AWESOME!!!
(2 thumbs up!)

the brit-rock channel kept playing brit-pop, trip-hop, ambient-techno, post-rock/experimental things and a lot of cool stuff.

blur, pulp, lamb, prodigy, chemical brothers, mouse on mars, stereolab, etc.

and all of a sudden i heard a familiar voice came out...

"Live Forever" form "Definitly Maybe"

that is Oasis, who used to be my golden god~~

(although they kinda suck now...T_T)

"Maybe I just want to fly
I want to live I don't want to die
Maybe I just want to breath
Maybe I just don't believe"

here you go, man!!

now i have energy for 2 more hours working...:D


台長: Creep
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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