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2004-04-22 09:17:00| 人氣158| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

絶地任務 Resistance 官方正式升級檔 1.96 釋出

推薦 0 收藏 0 轉貼0 訂閱站台

BIS 官方網站總算公佈了 1.96 正式升級檔,其實一個月前 BIS 官方論壇就已經公佈了確定版本,只不過執行檔仍然沿用 FlahspointBeta.exe,感覺相當鱉腳。
現在總算公佈了正式版(執行檔為 FlahspointResistance.exe),對 Beta 版感冒的玩家現在可以正式升級到 1.96 了!

需要 Resistance 版本:1.75


GOTY 版請至官方網站下載頁面:

以下列出 1.91 之後各版本的更新紀錄:
1.96 - Fixed: SCUD animation caused strange visual behaviour
(introduced in 1.95)
1.96 - Fixed: Long blue triangle artifacts (introduced in 1.95).
1.96 - Fixed: MP - when mission file transfer failes, client is
1.95 - Fixed: More improvements in virtual address range handling.
1.95 - Fixed: AI units could not take any magazines.
1.95 - Improved: Several anti-cheat measures implemented.
1.95 - Improved: AI Airplane dogfight evasive tactics.
1.95 - Fixed: Airplane rudder working during flight.
1.95 - Fixed: after load, engine was off for cars, tanks and planes
1.95 - Optimized: Much faster map drawing for very big islands.
1.95 - Fixed: Rendering artifact: White dots or lines on a terrain
when using HW T&L.
1.95 - Fixed: Bug in animation loading. As a result some 3rd party
addons with custom animation could cause a crash.
1.95 - Fixed: Ship wobbling when going south and using mouse controls.
1.93 - Fixed: MP: Some .pbo files containing subdirectories were not
accessed correctly on Linux server. This included
sounds.pbo and voice.pbo.
1.93 - Improved: Nonconnectable sessions are on the end of MP session
1.93 - Fixed: Wrong time left info position in MP session list
1.93 - Fixed: Lighting direction was wrong on terrain (bug was present
since version 1.00 and even before)
1.93 - Fixed: Units inside vehicles sometimes did not respawn.
1.93 - Fixed: Autocentering force did not work properly on some
joysticks including MS Sidewinder FF 2.
1.93 - Fixed: MP: Small numeric error in vehicle orientation network
transfer could make gunner aiming very difficult (cursor
could move with no reason)
1.93 - Fixed: Crash when SCUD launch sound loading failed.
1.93 - Fixed: Possible crash during removeAllEventHandlers.
1.93 - Fixed: Crash possible when deleteVehicle was used in
waypoint "On activation" field.
1.93 - Fixed: Scripting command "private" did not work when variable
name contained any upper case letter.
1.93 - Fixed: Crash when too long mod list entered
1.93 - Fixed: Crash when "variants" field in the voice config was
1.93 - Fixed: Scripting command drop could cause crash when used with
NULL object.
1.93 - Fixed: Event handlers were not saved properly.
1.93 - Fixed: New command line option -nomap was ignored sometimes.
1.93 - Fixed: AI waypoint delays and other AI degradation possible on
very fast (~3GHz) CPU due to bad handling of high
resolution timers.
1.92 - Improved: Flushing of stdout (for instant console output) on
1.92 - Fixed: Game sometimes freeze when AI rearms
1.92 - Fixed: Event handler "init" is now launched on all machines in
MP game
1.92 - Improved: MP: faster response in MP-game setup (mission setup,
roles assignment, connecting to server, ..)
1.92 - Fixed: Avoid delete of partition (rmdir *.*) when DirectPlay
server creation failed
1.92 - Fixed: Different file-acess technique used when memory mapping
fails. This should prevent Cannot memory map file
errors. This alternative technique can be also enforced
for all files by using command line switch -nomap
1.92 - Fixed: Crashes in MP when somebody use ammunition which does
not exist on other computers (for example through mods)
1.92 - Added: New server.cfg option "equalModRequired". When used,
users with different -mod than the one used on the
server cannot connect.
1.92 - Added: Testing of -mod compatibility in MP

台長: Robin Lo
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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