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美語評價 情境對話 英文 near wake critical point中文意思是什麼

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near wake critical point中文意思是什麼

near wake critical point解釋


  • near: adv 1 近 接近 鄰接 (opp far)。2 〈口語〉幾乎 差不多 將近。3 節省地。prep 接近 在…的近旁;快要。...
  • wake: n 威克島〈北太平洋〉(=Wake Island )。vi ( woke waked waked woken )1 醒,醒來;醒著。2 警覺,...
  • critical: adj 1 批判的,批評的;(在某方面)有鑒定力的 (in)。2 吹毛求疵的;愛挑剔別人的 (of about)。3 ...
  • point大家說英語單字 成人學英語: n 1 尖頭,尖端;尖頭器具;〈美國〉筆尖;接種針,雕刻針,編織針;小岬,小地角;【拳擊】下巴。2 【...

  • Next, we discuss a family of biquadratic polynomials with one parameter so that the critical point 0 is a fixed point

    其次,我們討論了臨界點0為不動點的單參數雙二次多項式族;該族可表示為:人( 。
  • The meeting felt the president was now approaching the critical point.

  • This model not only can calculate the critical pressure, critical crossflow velocity of critical point and critical layer thickness, but also can predict the relationship between the nature of the critical point and different kinds of operation parameters

  • The entropy or number of states of system or subsystem are closely related to interaction of particles and energy level distribution, therefore, to study the temperature dependence of the specific heat may supply some important and useful microscopic information which may play an important role in understanding electronic structure, density of state, phonon spectrum etc. the specific heat measurements at low temperatures also play important roles in the finding of the third law of thermodynamics, the quantum theory of solid and bcs theory for superconducting etc. moreover, specific heat measurements help us to understand the different kinds of phase transitions ( such as : structural phase transition, magnetic phase transition, superconducting phase transition etc. ) and the scaling behavior near the critical point

  • Re = 200 is just beyond the critical reynolds number of mode a. the numerical results of the present paper indicate that the near wake at this supercritical reynolds number is in three - dimensional quasi - periodic laminar state with transitional behaviors

    Re = 200是剛超過模式a的臨界雷諾數,計算結果表明,此時近尾跡流場處於三維準周期層流狀態。

    near to kin, near total internal reflection se or, near visual acuity, near water trawler, near wellbore formation, near wellbore formation damage

    near wake critical point中文意思是什麼

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