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2004-03-25 02:42:00| 人氣27| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

GeekLove: Without A Trace (part 6)

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~*Missing 2329 hours*~

Back in the New York Field Office.

“Jack, you have to pull yourself from the case now that Marie is involved.” Vivian argued. “I am afraid you might make any wrong decisions.”

Samantha was quiet, but she kept sending Jack meaningful glances. Jack was less than reluctant to pull himself out of the case despite Vivian’s protest. He and Samantha simply could not let the UGLI’s win the fight --- not even one self-denying UGLI who happened to be his legally wedded wife.

“It’s my job,” Jack said with a more-than-delightful Aussie accent,” not a responsible FBI agent would pull himself from this, Viv. If I pull off now, it’s you who will be getting the out-of-character love interest in next season. Try and tell me that’s what you want.”

“Alright, “ Viv said. “ Van Doren said as long as you stay in New York, she won’t push you further. Danny and Martin will look into Marie’s involvement. I’m checking with the trace, if you need me just call Agent Miller.” Vivian then walked out of the office.

Jack looked back at the computer screen and sighed. His distress was not relieved at all. Samantha came in from behind, handed him a cup of coffee, and patted him on the shoulder.
“It’s just like pulling the moth away from the fame.” He said.
“It gets everybody.” She said.
“I’m still not used to this.” He said.
“If you do,” Samantha sighed. “it’s time to get back to your wife.”

Danny was worried that this group of young women in their twenties and thirties would eat him alive. They were hungry for both the food and the truth since the hotel did not allow outside food inside the room, and the truth was still out there. Warrick walked into the conference room. “Ladies,” ignoring Danny’s protest, he continued. “A white Corolla was found abandoned on the Industrial Road. We found prints in the car that belong to a Marie Maria Malone. She’s your boss’ UGLI wife, am I correct?”

Martin and Danny nodded.

“So Evie’s words are checked out. Is the car registered to Marie?” asked Danny.

“That’s the strange part,” Warrick said with a calm voice, much like the kind he used in the CSI computer game.” It’s registered to a ‘Q’, male, age ‘infinity’, residence is in ‘a galaxy far away from here… or just about anywhere’.”

Some girls, headed by Heidi and Kirstin, burst into hysterical laughter. “You sure you didn’t find the car in Trek Experience?”

“A prank from some Trekkies, maybe?” Andi speculated.

Suddenly something hit Kirstin. “Well, suppose a Q really needs a car --- or some kind of manifestation of their form of vehicle or transportation maybe, why a white Corolla?”

“Why not use a Stargate? It’s faster and shippy-er.” asked Sheep. Some girls murmured and agreed with the Stargate theory; after all, the Iris is a much faster gateway for ordinary earth beings.

“Yet there are no Iris on earth that’s anywhere near Las Vegas or New York,” Andi explained. “Maybe a white Corolla is a metaphor to a slower, older form of transportation to the Q. Since they could overcome the speed of light, a Corolla could be a slip stream, warm hole, or even something we don’t know.”

Metaphor. The girls heard the word and were in awe. Metaphor must be good.

Martin looked serious this time. He knew about the Q’s, and he certainly knew what their kind could do. “In the beginning, we thought a group of UGLI’s were not happy about the ‘ship, but now Sara Sidle and Gil Grissom could be some billion light years away.”

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