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2023-06-06 20:10:04| 人氣37| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

天文學家發現遭咱們銀河拆散的早期宇宙恆星流 (舊譯文)

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Astronomers have discovered a mysterious stream of ancient stars at the distant edges of the galaxy: a strange stellar breed so unlike any we've seen before, they may very well be the last of their kind.



This unusual collection of stars – called the 'Phoenix stream', after the Phoenix constellation in which they are visible – is what's known as a stellar stream: an elongated chain of stars that used to exist in a spherical form, known as a globular cluster.



1. 藝術家想像之包圍銀河系的恆星流  (圖援用自原文)


Such clusters can be torn asunder by a galaxy's gravitational forces, in which case their globular form becomes warped, stretching out into a ghostly caravan of stars, fated to distantly orbit a faraway galactic core.



Neither stellar streams nor globular clusters are new to science, but there's something about the Phoenix stream that is. Its chemistry is different to any globular cluster we've ever seen, almost like it doesn't belong here.



"We can trace the lineage of stars by measuring the different types of chemical elements we detect in them, much like we can trace a person's connection to their ancestors through their DNA," explains astronomer Kyler Kuehn from the Lowell Observatory in Arizona.

來自美國亞利桑那州,洛厄爾天文台的天文學家,Kyler Kuehn解釋:「藉由測量恆星中,發現之不同種類的化學元素,能探究恆星所屬種系。這極像透過DNA,能追蹤一個人與其祖先的關係。」


There are around 150 known globular clusters in the Milky Way, all of which exist in what's called the galactic halo – a tenuous spherical structure that envelops the relatively flat galactic disk, where most of a galaxy's stars otherwise congregate.



Out in the fringes of the halo, though, there are still plenty of stars assembled inside the globular clusters. Each cluster can contain hundreds of thousands of stars, and observations of the clusters in the Milky Way have shown that all clusters demonstrate a certain consistency in their stellar chemistry: the stars in the clusters are enriched with 'heavier' chemical elements that are more massive than hydrogen and helium.



After the Big Bang, theory holds that all the gas in the Universe was made up of either hydrogen or helium, which in turn formed the Universe's first stars. Other elements, such as oxygen, carbon, and magnesium, only became possible much later via the fusion mechanisms of subsequent generations of stars.



The chemical legacy of those later fusion mechanisms is all around us, as a certain proportion of heavier elements has been observed in all our galaxy's globular customers. That is, until now. This chemical threshold – called the metallicity floor – is not obeyed by the Phoenix stream, which demonstrates less heavy elements in its stars than we thought was theoretically possible for such a celestial structure.



"This stream comes from a cluster that, by our understanding, shouldn't have existed," explains astronomer Daniel Zucker from Macquarie University in Australia. Or at least, it shouldn't exist now, could be another way of putting it.

來自澳大利亞麥格理大學的天文學家,Daniel Zucker解釋:「根據他們的瞭解,此恆星流來自一處,不應該曾存在的星團。或至少(其目前不應該存在)可能是來自另一種產生的方式。」


Observations of the Phoenix stream conducted by an international team of researchers as part of the Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey Collaboration have revealed that its "metal abundance is substantially below the empirical metallicity floor", the authors explain in their new study.

此些撰文者們,在他們的新研究中解釋,該由一支國際研究人員團隊所進行,作為南方恒星流光譜勘測合作(這是暗能量勘測(DES Dark Energy Survey)銀河系研究團隊成員與一支澳大利亞天文學家團隊之間的一項合作)一部分鳳凰流諸多觀測,已經揭露其"金屬豐度事,實上低於經驗上的金屬性底限"


Up until now, the metallicity floor was a useful way of classifying a scientific constant seen across all present-day globular clusters. It still is, as it happens – but the Phoenix stream is no present-day globular cluster.



The team thinks it may be a sole survivor: a celestial relic of a bygone age in the early Universe, when stars made their light in different ways.



"One possible explanation is that the Phoenix stream represents the last of its kind, the remnant of a population of globular clusters that was born in radically different environments to those we see today," says astronomer Ting Li from Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena.

來自卡內基天文台(位於美國加州帕薩迪納市)的天文學家,Ting Li宣稱:「一種可能的解釋是,鳳凰代表了,其種類的最後恆星流。也就是,在與咱們目前所看到,完全不同的環境中,一群球狀星團遭到壓迫的殘餘物。


Lots of questions remain, of course. If the Phoenix stream is a remnant of a relic from the early Universe, is it the only one? Do others also exist, hidden in the vastness of the galactic halo?



"In astronomy, when we find a new kind of object, it suggests that there are more of them out there," says astronomer Jeffrey Simpson from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Australia.

來自澳大利亞新南威爾斯大學(UNSW)的天文學家,Jeffrey Simpson宣稱:「在天文學中,當人們發現新種類的天體時,這暗示,在那裡有更多的那種天體。」


If other old travellers are still on the trail, we don't have forever to find them. Like globular clusters, stellar streams are not immortal things. Once they're stretched out into a string of stars, it's only a matter of time before they disband, and disperse throughout the galaxy.



"Who knows how many relics like the Phoenix stream might be hiding in the Milky Way's halo?" wonders German astronomer J. M. Diederik Kruijssen from Heidelberg University, who wasn't involved in the study but has authored a commentary on it. "Now that the first one has been found, the hunt is on."

德國海德堡大學,未涉及、不過已經針對該項研究,撰寫一篇評論的天文學家,J. M. Diederik Kruijssen懷疑,「誰能知曉多少類似此鳳凰流的遺物,可能隱藏於銀河的星系暈中?既然已經發現第一個,就開始搜尋吧!


The findings are reported in Nature.






台長: peregrine
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