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潛在心臟修復蛋白進入新階段 (舊譯文)

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Pre-clinical studies suggest a protein, Agrin, could limit scarring and promote natural repair mechanisms after a heart attack



1. 心臟病發作後的豬心電腦化影像。 與使用單劑量(中間)或雙劑量()Agrin處理的豬相較下,未經處理的豬心()疤痕組織(黑色)體積明顯較大  (圖援用自原文)


Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world, surpassing all cancers combined.  One of the major difficulties in coming up with new therapies lies in translating basic research findings, typically obtained with mice, into a treatment that works in humans. This gap can be filled by experimenting on pigs, whose hearts beat at a rhythm similar to that of humans and otherwise provide a faithful model – both size-wise and physiologically – of human cardiovascular function.



Weizmann Institute of Science researchers, in close collaboration with a team from the Technical University of Munich, have now showed that the protein Agrin, previously found to renew damaged heart tissue in mice, promotes heart repair in pigs.



The researchers have also clarified Agrin’s mechanisms of action, which turned out to be similar in mice and pigs, indicating that it’s likely to work similarly in all mammals, including humans. These findings suggest that Agrin might serve as an effective therapy after heart attacks, promoting heart repair and helping to prevent chronic heart failure.



Agrin is naturally present in the supporting heart cells in mouse and human fetuses, and in the hearts of newborn mice – that is, in settings where regeneration is possible, suggesting that it can play a role in heart muscle regeneration.



Indeed, in previous research, a team headed by Prof. Eldad Tzahor of Weizmann’s Molecular Cell Biology Department had discovered that Agrin “unlocked” a renewal process in injured mouse hearts. To test whether this protein is likely to help heal human hearts, Tzahor established a collaboration with Prof. Christian Kupatt of the Technical University of Munich to study Agrin’s efficacy in pigs.

實際上,在先前由魏茨曼科學研究所分子細胞生物學系,Eldad Tzahor教授領導之團隊進行的研究已經發現,Agrin在損傷的小鼠心臟中“解鎖了”一種更新過程。為了驗證此種蛋白是否可能,有助於治癒人類心臟。Tzahor與慕尼黑工業大學的Christian Kupatt教授進行了合作,以研究Agrin在豬身上的功效。


Senior intern Dr. Kfir Baruch Umansky led the study, in which the researchers administered a synthetic form of human Agrin protein to the hearts of pigs that had been exposed to an injury simulating a heart attack.

資深駐院實習醫生Kfir Baruch Umansky博士,領導了這項研究。在該項研究中,此些研究人員對已經曝露於模擬心臟病發作受損傷的豬心臟,施予了合成形式的人類Agrin蛋白。


Working with Kupatt’s team in a hospital setting – and using clinical protocols and tools relevant to treating human patients – Umansky and colleagues found that a single dose of Agrin reduced scarring and improved heart function after the injury. The heart’s pumping capacity, measured by the volume of blood ejected with every beat, was significantly enhanced.



In addition, the Agrin treatment prevented the rise of pressure in the heart’s main pumping chamber, which grows after a heart attack because the scarred heart becomes stiff and less effective at pumping. Since this parameter is a predictor of the subsequent risk of heart failure, the researchers suggest that Agrin can serve as a preventive therapy against this major complication of heart attacks.



Focusing in greater detail on Agrin’s mechanism of action, the researchers found in both pig and mouse models that Agrin induces a broad range of repair processes, which is probably why a single dose of the protein produced potent effects lasting up to one month after the treatment.



The protein triggered a mild proliferation of heart muscle cells, which normally don’t divide, and, perhaps more importantly, protected them from dying, particularly in the border zone around the injury site, thus preventing the spread of scar tissue.



In addition, Agrin beneficially altered the immune response to the injury within the heart muscle: It curbed inflammation by reducing the activation of immune cells called macrophages that are responsible for the early release of inflammatory substances. Not only that, the scientists found that Agrin protected existing blood vessels within the heart muscle and stimulated the growth of new ones.



In the course of the study, the method that worked best for delivering Agrin to the injured pig heart was to inject it into the coronary artery using the same type of catheter that is generally used in angioplasty to widen obstructed arteries. This suggests that patients undergoing angioplasty could have a dose of Agrin administered at the same time.



Agrin’s effectiveness in such large animals as pigs, together with the ease of delivery, could pave the way to its use in human patients. Scarring and loss of heart function are prevalent after a heart attack, and the study’s findings suggest we may finally have a way to limit and possibly even reverse the damage, improving the outcome of heart attacks and perhaps averting their complications.



“The road from basic research to the clinic is long and often bumpy, so our study in pigs provides a critical step in this direction,” Tzahor says. This study was made possible, in part, by a new program that aims to bridge the gap between promising basic science breakthroughs at the Institute and commercial application. Called IDEA (Innovation, Development, Enhancement and Acceleration), it is an initiative of Yeda, Weizmann’s technology transfer arm.






台長: peregrine
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