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2021-11-28 13:44:16| 人氣75| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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By Esha Mitra and Rhea Mogul, CNN

Gulpreet Singh begs for food from a dirty hemp mat spread on the sidewalk outside Delhi's South Campus metro station. Like millions of Indians who survive on handouts or daily wages, the 84-year-old says he has no choice but to be outside, breathing air thick with smog in the Indian capital.

Gulpreet Singh在印度德里南校區地鐵站外的人行道上,鋪著一張髒兮兮的麻墊,乞求食物。像數百萬靠救濟金或日薪維持生計的印度人一樣,這位 84歲的老人表示,除了在外面呼吸印度首都煙霧瀰漫的空氣之外,他別無選擇。


"I come here and wait. Sometimes, people give me food," said Singh, his voice straining over the noise of auto rickshaws and cars belching fumes just meters away.



Delhi is often ranked among the world's most polluted cities, and air pollution there reached "hazardous" levels in early November, according to India's National Air Quality Index (AQI), which tracks the presence of harmful particles in the air. But some Delhi residents have become so accustomed to bad air that it's a part of daily life -- they barely notice it, they say.



Others say it's making them sick. A police officer directing traffic at one of Delhi's busy junctions says pollution levels have become "unbearable" this winter. "I've taken off my mask because I need to blow the whistle to stop traffic, but it's been horrible," said the 48-year-old officer, who didn't reveal his name because he is not authorized to speak to the media.



Exhaust fumes flow from the rows of vehicles around him -- he says he finds it hard to catch his breath. "My eyes hurt. It's hard to breathe. It's not easy," he said. Social worker Neelam Joshi, 39, says she feels the pollution every time she steps out of her house to catch the train to work.

廢氣從他周遭一排排的車輛排放出。他表示,這難以喘口氣。他宣稱:「他的眼睛受到傷害,呼吸困難。這是不舒適的。」39歲的社會工作者, Neelam Joshi表示,每次她步出家門去趕火車上班時,都會感受到污染。


"When you leave the house in the morning, that's the first thing which hits you," Joshi said. By the end of the day, she says her body seems to have adjusted, but the next day, it happens all over again.



"In the last six years that I have lived in Delhi, there's never been a reduction in pollution," she said. "It only increases every year. Every year we reach a different level, and during festivals it always becomes worse."



Amanpreet Kaur, 28, a flight attendant from Delhi's Rohini area, recently crewed a flight from the United States and was stunned by the difference in air quality.

"When I landed back into India, after my flight from USA, it was horrible. I'm continuously coughing," she said.

28歲的Amanpreet Kaur (來自德里羅希尼地區的空服員)最近充當了,從美國起飛航班的機組員,被空氣品質的差異驚呆了。她宣稱:「這太可怕了,在她從美國起飛,回到印度著陸後,一直不斷咳嗽。」


Kaur says the smog is so bad that you can see it at night as a dirty haze around street lamps and car headlights. "When the sun sets, all you see is smog, just smog all around," Kaur said. "It's very dangerous to live in Delhi."



Aditya Dubey, an 18-year-old environmental activist, has spent the past two years lobbying for urgent action against Delhi's pollution. Every year, the city is plagued by a throat-searing cloud of murky smog, but it's worse in winter when lower temperatures and a drop in wind speed trap particles in the air for longer.

一名18歲的環保行動主義者,Aditya Dubey過去兩年一直進行遊說,對德里的污染,採取緊急行動。每年,該城市都遭到,令人喉嚨灼痛之朦朧煙霧雲的折磨。不過,在冬季氣溫較低及風速下降,而陷捕住空氣中顆粒,達更長時間時,情況更糟。


"Winter has become a torture and every day feels like a punishment," Dubey said. "I have a burning sensation in my eyes and they start watering. I feel breathless."

Last month, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal tried to control pollution levels by banning firecrackers for Diwali, the festival of lights, but celebrations mostly proceeded as normal.

Dubey宣稱:「冬天已經變成一種折磨,每天感覺像是一種懲罰。我的眼睛有種燒灼感,且開始流眼淚,感到呼吸困難。上個月,德里首席部長, Arvind Kejriwal試圖,藉由禁止排燈節(Diwali:印度的重大宗教節日之一,燈節)的鞭炮,來控制污染程度。不過,慶祝活動幾乎全照常進行。


The smoke from Diwali was exacerbated by a spike in the burning of crop waste in surrounding farmlands. By November 5, most locations in Delhi were recording an AQI above 500 -- the highest level on the scale. At that point, Dubey had had enough.



The activist filed a petition with the Supreme Court seeking protection for his "right to breathe." On November 15, the court ruled in his favor and ordered the central government to do more.



Subsequently, schools were shut, non-essential traffic was suspended, construction projects were halted, and six out of 11 coal-fired plants were ordered to close until the end of November. Construction projects resumed Monday as Delhi recorded a marginal improvement in air quality. But for many, the damage had already been done.

隨後,學校關閉、非必要的交通暫停、建設項目停止、11家燃煤電廠中, 6家遭勒令關閉,直到11月底。在空氣品質上,由於德里顯示了微小改善,建築項目於週一恢復。不過,對很多人來說,損害已經造成。


Delhi is not the only Indian city choked by smog. Last year, nine of the world's 10 most polluted cities were in India, according to monitoring network IQAir. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution causes an estimated 7 million premature deaths a year globally, mainly as a result of increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases, cancers and respiratory infections.

德里不是印度遭煙霧籠罩的唯一城市。根據瑞士空氣質量技術公司IQAir 監測網絡的數據,去年,世界上最遭污染的10個城市中,9個在印度。根據世界衛生組織(WHO)的說法,空氣污染導致每年全球大約700 萬人,過早死亡。主要由於來自心血管疾病、癌症及呼吸道感染的死亡率增加。


Bad air could be reducing the life expectancy of hundreds of millions of Indians by as much as nine years, according to a recent study by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC). The study also found that every single one of India's 1.3 billion residents endure annual average pollution levels that exceed guidelines set by WHO.

根據美國芝加哥大學能源政策研究所(EPIC)最近一項研究,糟糕的空氣可能會使數億印度人的預期壽命,縮短多達9年。該項研究也發現,印度13 億居民中,每一個人都忍受著,超過由世界衛組織制定之指導方針的年平均污染水平。


In 2019, the central government announced a national clean air campaign, with an aim to reduce particulate pollution by up to 30% by 2024. Specific plans were created for each city; in Delhi, those plans included measures to reduce road traffic, burn-offs and road dust, and to encourage the use of cleaner fuels.

2019 年,印度中央政府宣布了一項,開展全國清潔空氣運動。目標是到2024年,減少微粒物污染高達30%。為每個城市制定諸多具體計劃,在德里,這些計劃包括減少道路交通、燃燒榖類收成後殘餘物及道路灰塵,並鼓勵使用較潔淨的燃料。


But in the past few years, India's pollution problem has worsened, partly due to the country's dependency on fossil fuels -- and in particular, coal. At the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, India was among a group of countries that pushed for an 11th-hour amendment to the agreement to phase "down" coal rather than phase it "out".

不過,在過去幾年,印度的污染問題一直惡化,部分因為該國對化石燃料的依賴,特別是煤炭。在最近於格拉斯哥舉行之26屆締約國會議(COPConference of Parties)的氣候峰會上,印度是一群推動,對協議進行第11小時之修正,來分階段“減少”煤炭,而不是分階段“淘汰”煤炭的國家之一。


In Delhi, noxious air is claiming tens of thousands of lives each year, according to analysis of IQAir data by Greenpeace. But despite the worsening air quality, some Delhi locals have become so accustomed to it they don't seem to notice. Many roam the streets without a face mask and have developed a general complacency toward pollution levels.



Omprakash Mali, a 50-year-old gardener, say the air pollution doesn't affect him or his work. "We work with mud and in dust as a gardener, so I don't feel anything additional," he said. " I think the top priority for the government should still be Covid-19. Pollution happens every year."

一名50歲園丁,Omprakash Mali表示,空氣污染並不影響他或他的工作。他宣稱:「身為園丁,他們在泥土及灰塵中工作,因此沒有任何額外感覺。他認為,政府最優先考慮的事,仍然應該是2019冠狀病毒症(COVID-19Coronavirus Disease-19)。因為,污染每年都在發生。」


Meanwhile, Shesh Babu, 18, a manual laborer, said he "doesn't really care" about Delhi's thick smog. His priority is earning money. Dubey, the activist, says air pollution is considered to be an "elitist" issue. "Air pollution is a silent killer," he said. "There is a lack of awareness. People don't realize the seriousness of it."

在此同時,一18歲的體力勞動者,Shesh Babu表示,他"並不真正關心"德里的濃密煙霧。其優先考慮的是賺錢。行動主義者,Dubey表示,空氣污染被認為是一種"精英優越感的"問題。他宣稱:「空氣污染是一種無聲殺手。在那方面缺乏意識。人們並不瞭解其嚴重性。」





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