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【限定商品】kiddy Child Car Seat Guardianfix 3 – Grey Melange Edition 推薦最受歡迎的購物網

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kiddy Child Car Seat Guardianfix 3 – Grey Melange Edition










Kiddy Child Car Seat Guardianfix 3 - Grey Melange Edition 設計式樣: Cactus Green Melange · 2019

With the Grey Melange edition, Kiddy presents the child safety seat Guardianfix 3, which grows with your child, in a fashionable new design. The classic, subtle grey colour in a chic melange look features a modern look. Sporty and contrasted with different coloured seams, little boys and girls feel right at home in this trendy safety seat and always arrive safely at their next destination. The Kiddy logo is available in various colours and differentiates between the diverse Gray Mela網友超推開箱炫耀文nge designs.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 1/2/3

  • Suitable for children with a weight of approximately 9 kg up to 36 kg

  • Age suitability: from 9 months up to 12 years

Conforms to standard:

  • ECE R44/04

The kiddy Guardianfix 3 is equipped with kiddy k-fix+ connectors which are connected with the Isofix loops in your car and ensure a rigid connection with your car. Due to the convenient retraction mechanism, the connectors disappear in the seat if required so that you can attach the car seat by using your car's own three -point belt instead.

The Guardianfix 3 corresponds to the latest safety standard and can be used right after the infant car seat from an age of approximately 9 months and up. The newest impact shield system works similar to an airbag and - due to its special design - enables your child's upper body to "roll over". The forces that occur in the event of braking sharply or in case of accident are being absorbed reliably so that your child's sensitive head and neck area is well-protected.

In order to provide maximum side impact protection, the high-quality, energy-absorbing material "Honey Comb 2" is used in the sensitive head and shoulder section. Additionally, the optimised k-fix+ system absorbs the lateral impact energy. The perfect coordination of side impact protection and optimum adaption to your little one's ergonomics make this seat unbeatable.

Thanks to the individual ways of adjustment, the seat can be adapted and used up to an age of 12 years. A height- and width-adjustable backrest as well as the adjustable leg support offer optimum seating comfort. The new, soft padded fabrics on the seat surface and head area provide an incredibly comfortable feeling.


  • Grey Melange Edition available in various designs

  • Long period of use - 9 months up to 12 years

  • Installation in a forward-facing mode with and without Isofix system

  • Flexible k-fix+ connectors - bigger adjustable angle

  • Inclination of backrest can be adjusted from 90° - 115° (depending on vehicle type)

  • Improved impact shield system

  • Maximum side impact protection - thanks to high-quality, energy-absorbing material

  • kiddy shock absorber - absorbs energy that occurs on the 3-point harness

  • Adjustable leg support

  • Belt positioner marked in red

  • Weight: 8,0 kg




kiddy Child Car Seat Guardianfix 3 – Grey Melange Edition





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kiddy Child Car Seat Guardianfix 3 – Grey Melange Edition

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