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博客來特惠書籍 Economic Development(12版)

Economic Development(12版)


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底下是 Economic Development(12版) 的內容簡介

1. NEW! Updated statistics. Change continues to be very rapid in the developing world. Throughout the text, data and statistics have been updated to reflect the most recent available information at the time of revision, typically 2011 or 2012, sometimes 2013.

2. Teaches economic development within the context of country-specific examples so that theory is demonstrated through real-world issues.

3. Adopts a problem-and policy-oriented presentation to foster students’ ability to understand contemporary economic problems and to reach independent and informed conclusions.

4. Uses the best and most recent available data and the appropriate theoretical tools to illuminate common problems of developing countries.

5. Focuses on a wide range of developing countries, not only as independent nation-states but also in relation to one another and in their interactions with rich nations.

6. Recognizes the necessity of treating the problems of development and underdevelopment from institutional, structural, and market perspectives.

7. Views development and underdevelopment in both domestic and international contexts, stressing the increasing interdependence of the world economy.

8. Considers the economic, social, and institutional problems of underdevelopment as closely interrelated and requiring coordinated solutions at local, national, and international levels.

  • 出版社:華泰文化


  • 出版日期:2015/05/21
  • 語言:英文

商品網址: Economic Development(12版)


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