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【好康活動】Moon Buggy Flac – Bear 快速到貨網拍

小妹最近買了 Moon Buggy Flac – Bear


當然有好康的要報給大家,而且在這買還是小妹精挑細選Moon Buggy Flac – Bear










Moon Buggy Flac - Bear 2018

Gird your loins for high fashion in ultimate army style!

At first sight, this trendy buggy is disguised in olive-green and black. At second sight it reveals a cute bear's head as well as an extravagant canopy in a polygon look that will turn every stroll into the most exciting adventure.

With its large sprung comfort rubber wheels Moon's buggy Flac cuts quite a dash on any terrain. It's swivel front wheels contribute to the buggy's manoeuvrability even in tight corners.

Due to its patented 3D fold system it can be folded into a compact size. The large shopping basket with a zip on the side provides you with enough space to store travel essentials and other necessities for when you're on the go.

The sport seat with an additional soft-padded seat insert will make your little one feel super comfy and even more excited to explore the world around. A removable swivel front bar with a safety belt as well as the padded five-point harness prevent your child from standing up and falling out of the buggy.

Due to its adjustable footrest大力推薦最便宜 and backrest you can easily recline the seat so that your child can have a nap wherever you go.

The canopy, equipped with a patented zip system and UV protection 50+, not only protects your little one in any wind and weather but also controls the climate inside the buggy with its integrated air circulation system.

Tip: With an adapter (sold separately!) for your infant car seat (suitable for various types) you can easily transform the Buggy Flac into a full熱銷產品網路人氣產品top10-featured Travel-System.

Product details:

  • Army style with trendy polygon design
  • 搶先看人氣產品排行榜

  • Rubber wheels: front wheels 18 cm, rear wheels 24,5 cm

  • Full recline position possible, adjustable backrest and footrest

  • Soft-padded seat insert

  • Lockable swivel front wheels

  • Five-point harness

  • Spacious shopping basket with zip

  • Parking brake

  • Canopy with UV protection 50+ and air circulation system

  • Height of handlebar: 107 cm

  • Maximum weight capacity: 15 kg

  • Size open: L 72 x W 59 x H 105 cm

  • Size folded: L 72 x W 42 x H 38 cm

  • Weight: 10,3 kg




Moon Buggy Flac – Be快速到貨網拍ar





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Moon Buggy Flac – Bear

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