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2005-10-07 20:48:00| 人氣177| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

As an intern

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As an intern of medical technician in NTU, I have something to say. It’s really a troublesome and provoking nightmare when I first took part in the practical training in the departments of“Virology and Serology”.

Students in viral laboratory must carefully manipulate everything to prevent the pollution from bacteria. For example, every time you unseal a flask, you should broil it on the fire back and forth for several times, avoiding touching the opening of the flasks. However, this is truly a difficult action for me to perform because of my clumsy hands.

In viral laboratory, even a tiny unwitting error could violate the whole experiment, and you will immediately get a pejorative ridicule from teacher Li.

Good Lucks ^^

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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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