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【秋季最新款】R-mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey 2 Comfort 網路熱賣產品熱賣產品

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R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey 2 Comfort


R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey 2 Comfort












Britax Römer Children's Bike Seat Jockey 2 Comfort 設計式樣: Turquoise/Purple · 2019

The Britax Römer Jockey 2 Comfort is a children's bike seat of the top class that features solid workmanship and high flexibility. As a successor of the Jockey Relax the Jockey 2 Comfort comes with a two-stage belt buckle as well as a new seat shell in a trendy and modern design!

Let your little explorer breathe some fresh air! The children's bike seat by Britax Römer provides your child with a safe spot on your bike - made in Germany. That way, big and small bike tours alike are going to be enjoyable activities for you and your child.

The Römer bike seat Jockey 2 Comfort is suitable for children with a weight from 9 kg to 22 kg which corresponds to an age of approx. 9 months up to 5 years. It has plenty of safety and comfort features.

Easy and strong! The bracket for the Jockey 2 Comfort is to be attached to the bicycle's frame. After that the bike seat just needs to snap in the spring steel bracket and you are ready to start your bike tour. The bike seat is to be installed in a forward-facing mode right behind the bicycle rider. If your wish to ride your bike without the Römer bike seat, you simply need to detach it from the bracket. That way, you can stay flexible at all times!找便宜網路熱銷

The special features of this bike seat by the manufacturer Römer are its headrest that can be adjusted in 9 different positions, the extensively padded cover as well as the extra-soft shoulder pads.

The two-stage comfort harness is indispensable for maintaining the safety of your little explorer. The three-point belt, which features a soft padding and an easy-to-use two-stage key lock, can be adjusted single-handedly so that you can adapt it perfectly to the size of your child. The extra-large spokes cover prevents your child's feet from getting into the spokes. A special highlight is the backrest which can be adjusted single-handedly from a seating into a comfortable resting position.

In order to make sure that your child is provided with a high level of seating comfort, you can easily adjust the footrest multiple times as to adapt it t網路熱賣產品熱賣產品o your little one's leg length. That way, you little passenger can enjoy every ride on the bike with you to the fullest. The reversible cover features a soft padding and can be removed and machine washed.

You can choose from two different colour variants.

Please note: In order to use this children's bike seat on a second bike, you can purchase a second bracket (not included in delivery) optionally in our accessory section.

Please keep in mind: A bicycle with a children's bike seat attached always changes its riding behaviour. Thus you might need to adapt your riding style. For the sake of your child's safety, you should always make sure that s/he is wearing a bike helmet!


  • Suitable for children with a weight between 9 kg and 22 kg (approx. 9 months up to 5 years)

  • Available in different colours

  • Headrest can be adjusted in 9 different positions

  • Highest level of comfort - extensively padded reversible cover

  • Backrest adjustment to easily change from upright to reclined position

  • Extra-large spoke cover

  • Multiply-adjustable footrests

  • Comfortable two-stage harness system with shoulder pads and plug-in buckle, one-hand operation

  • Solid workmanship; sturdy spring steel bracket

  • Installation: behind the bike rider, with bracket and spring steel bracket (tools are not included - hexagon wrench and open-end wrench)

  • Weight 5.7 kg

  • Dimensions: H 71.2 x W 46 x D 43 cm

Suitable for:

  • Touring bikes and sports bikes

  • Wheel sizes 26'' and 28''

  • Tube diameter 28 to 40 mm

  • Width of rack up to 150 mm

  • Circular saddle tubes




R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey 2 Comfort





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《英雄聯盟》RNG將錄製綜藝節目 遭粉絲譏稱:想紅想瘋流行

[新頭殼newtalk] 昨(1)日中國電視節目的導演言司岳,在微博表示如果RNG錄製節目《天天向上》的話,大家想看什麼內容,不料此舉被眾多粉絲批評,粉絲認為職業選手不需要向娛樂圈發展,且有不少戰隊參加節目後表現變得很差,而打野Karsa也在台灣論壇Ptt的相關貼文下留言「TnT」表達無奈。

中國RNG戰隊在今年上半年一舉奪得春季聯賽冠軍、季中邀請賽冠軍,聲勢如日中天,RNG的王牌AD Uzi名氣更是不在話下,似乎因此受到許多商演的邀請。昨日,湖南衛視的電視導演言司岳發了一則貼文:「如果蔡徐坤、RNG、Uzi一起錄製天天向上,大家最想看什麼?」引發熱議,RNG商務部經理汪寒隨後也轉發貼文證實,此舉讓粉絲直呼「放過RNG吧」!






R?mer 自行車兒童座椅 Jockey 2 Comfort

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