24h購物| | PChome| 登入
2010-02-28 16:28:42| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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# 啾 # 說:
 bring the camera okay 
Mike J 說:
# 啾 # 說:

Mike J 說:
# 啾 # 說:
 plz bring it tmr and lend it to me so i can take pix w/ my fd
Mike J 說:
Mike J 寫:
# 啾 # 說:
 why r u so mean to me
 and didn't answer my fone today!
Mike J 說:
 u didnt answer my text
# 啾 # 說:
 i didnt see it til we finished!
 thats why i called!
 and u didnt reply my text last nite either!
Mike J 說:
# 啾 # 說:
 u didnt reply my text last nite either!
u didnt reply my text last nite either!
u didnt reply my text last nite either!
u didnt reply my text last nite either!

Mike J 說:
 i saw it
 i was driving
 n drunk
 n mad
 cuz we didn't get to go cubbin
# 啾 # 說:




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