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【本周限時購買優惠】Maxi Cosi 雙人推車 Dana 搶先看抗漲

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Maxi-Cosi Buggy Dana For2 設計式樣: Nomad Black · 2019

Discovering the world together - the Maxi-Cosi Buggy Dana For2 joins in for every adventure. Twins as well as siblings can snuggle up and relax side by side. The buggy fits through any standard sized doorway and is super easy to manoeuvre. The adjustable push bar ensures pushing the buggy even with only one hand.

When combined with one or even two Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat Carriers the Dana For2 can also be used right from birth. The lightweight travel system can be folded easily. Due to a 3D-folding mechanism it collapses to an ultra-compact size and thus can be stored in almost every car boot.

Whether you are on short trips or long strolls, your children will love riding in this trendy buggy. The backrests that can be reclined to a flat position, the cosy comfort seats as well as the adjustable headrests provide maximum comfort while being on the go. Secure protection is given by the five-point harnesses. The play bars can be removed if necessary. The sun canopies are each equipped with a practical viewing panel that supplies fresh air and lets mom and dad always have an eye on their little ones.

Designed for life in the city, the lockable swivel front wheels and rear wheels' suspension offer a smooth and comfortable ride. Furthermore, the buggy Dana For2 comes with two large shopping baskets that store travel essentials as well as smaller purchases. The rain cover protects the Dana For2 in rainy days.

In order to use the Maxi-Cosi Buggy Dana For2 as a travel system, you just have to remove one or both of the seat units. The adapters included in delivery ensure that all Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seats (sold separately!) can be attached properly.

Even though you travel with two kids, the Buggy Dana For2 scores with easy handling and ensures many great, comfortable and safe trips.


  • Available in various designs

  • Suitable from 6 months on

  • Suitable right from birth when combined with the Maxi-Cosi Infant Car Seat (sold separately!)

  • Items delivered: shopping basket, sun canopy, 2 parasol clips, rain cover, comfort cushions, adapters for infant car seat

  • Backrest is adjustable into full reclining position, five-point harness, removable play bar

  • Adjustable push bar, pushing the buggy with one hand possible

  • Lockable swivel front wheels, Ø 15 cm, central braking system

  • 3D-folding mechanism, no bending down - no back complaints, free standing

  • Removable and washable cover

  • Size open: H 107 x D 82,5 x W 79 cm; size folded: H 35 x W 54 x L 94,5 cm

  • Weight: 16,15 kg




Maxi Cosi 雙人推車 Dana





韓劇 本週無線、有線月火劇收視概況- 無線《獬豸》首播開紅盤,有線《成王》仍領跑總冠軍



有許多動物因為生病,或者外表不完美遭到遺棄。而「櫻花」(Cheery Blossom)以及他的飼主的故事告訴我們,給予動物良好的生活環境以及醫療照護,是每個飼主的責任,且只要用心的照護,牠們都有機會重拾原本可愛、有活力的模樣。

▲原本瀕死的Cherry重獲新生,露出可愛模樣。(圖/翻攝自《Sale Ranch Sanctuary》臉書)

領養Cherry的是美國加州一個名為Sale Ranch Sanctuary機構,他們曾幫助過許多有生命危險的動物,提供他們庇以及治療,讓牠們重獲新生病樂的生活。他們也欲藉由Cheery的故事告訴大家:「任何生命都是值得被愛與善待的。」(整理:實習編輯吳栢妤)

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