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2024-04-22 22:21:34


Taking action on climate change or biodiversity is harder than it looks. We saw this last November when the conflict of interest of Sultan al-Jaber, president of both the COP28 and of the United Arab ...

2024-04-18 19:57:27


圖1. 在此圖片中(也出現於《科學•轉化醫學》封面上),異常的滑膜組織充滿著過度生長的組織,包括血管(洋紅色)。滑膜應該薄且光滑。 In this image (also on the cover of Science Translational Medicine), ab...

2024-04-15 19:58:57


圖1. 美國冷泉港實驗室(CSHL:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)教授兼霍華德休斯醫學研究所(HHMI:Howard Hughes Medical Institute)調查研究員,Rob Martienssen(插圖)協助繪製了,擬南芥、水稻及玉米的第一個基因體...

2024-04-14 14:58:02


Neurological disorders often have sex biases, and these differences could be due to altered protein expression in the brain. 神經系統疾病通常具有性別趨勢,而此些差異可能是由於大腦中,經改變的蛋白質表...

2024-04-12 21:29:57


圖1. 面對全面轉錄變化的挑戰,一項新研究引進了一種,使用人工摻入技術,來提高植物基因活性分析的準確性。此方法提供了有關植物如何對,諸如溫度等環境刺激作出反應之更清晰的洞察力。因此,可望在植物科學研究中,...

2024-04-09 20:14:52


New York’s farmers are facing more extreme weather caused by climate change and they are learning to adapt, according to the agriculture chapter of the new statewide climate impacts assessment, ...

2024-04-06 20:05:58


Scientists hoping to treat immunodeficiencies using gene therapy have found a way to edit stem cells in mice without disrupting gene regulation. 希望使用基因療法,來治療免疫缺陷的科學家們,已經找到了...

2024-04-02 20:04:25


The novel yeast works by outcompeting rivals, Weizmann Institute study suggests Yeast Might Prevent Life-Threatening Fungal Infections 這種新酵母菌藉由超越競爭的對手起作用,以色列魏茨曼研究所的研究暗...

2024-04-01 10:49:17


The arrival of Homo sapiens in cold northern latitudes took place several thousand years before Neanderthals disappeared in southwest Europe 智人到達寒冷的北緯地區,發生於尼安德塔人,在歐洲西南部消失...

2024-03-28 10:41:06


Room-temperature, ambient-pressure conversion reaction for carbon monoxide could be part of a larger cascade strategy for efficiently turning atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) into liquid fuel 一氧化碳...

2024-03-25 08:50:25


In 1905, when geneticist Nettie Stevens peered through her microscope, she made a startling revelation: two delicate X-shaped structures nestled within the cells of female mealworm beetles, but only o...

2024-03-22 19:06:50


圖1. 美國南加州大學一項研究揭露,植物利用生理時鐘及特定蛋白質, ABF3來應付環境壓力,提供了開發抗乾旱及土壤鹽分作物的新方法。該項研究為基改作物鋪路,潛在上能提高面對氣候變遷的抵抗能力及產量。 A USC st...

2024-03-19 14:09:57


As societies look for ways to cut greenhouse gas emissions and slow climate change, large-scale solar power is playing a central role. Climate scientists view it as the tool with the greatest potentia...

2024-03-16 20:28:22


Burials show that children with Down Syndrome and Edwards Syndrome were recognized as members of their communities 埋葬地顯示,患有唐氏症(一種與身體許多部位異常有關的染色體疾病,也被稱為21號染色體三體...

2024-03-11 20:48:44


The Arctic is remote, with often harsh conditions, and its climate is changing rapidly — warming four times faster than the rest of the Earth. This makes studying the Arctic climate both challen...

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