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2017-07-27 13:25:22


如果你是行銷人員,這篇文章一定要保存 轉分享--------銷售神技,經典! 一、銷售的境界 1.顧客要的不是便宜,要的是感覺占了便宜 2.不要與顧客爭論價格,要與顧客討論價值 3.沒有不對的客戶,只有不夠好的服...

2017-06-21 12:21:45


等待‭ 的時空 ‬有點重 重得時針走不動無影蹤 ‬他始終‭ 不曾降臨生命中我好想懂 誰放我手心裡捧幸福啊 依然長長的人龍想踮起腳尖找尋愛 遠遠的存在我來不及‭ ‬說聲嗨 影子就從人海暈開才踮起腳尖的期待 只怕被虧...

2013-03-22 20:33:31

2013年3月23日 星期五 天氣:開始熱了心情:忙碌的事又要來了,我找不到生活目標我最近很恐慌,而且很嚴重是得了三十歲的恐慌症嗎?古人說:風聲,雨聲,讀書聲,聲聲入耳家事,國事,天下事,事事關心我說:鳥聲,吼叫聲...

2012-09-27 20:08:37


2012年9月22日 星期日 天氣:晴天 心情:忐忑不安+十分緊張該感謝這次的邀請人Rita學姊這次學姐擔任領隊姐姐,身為英文班的一份子,若不情意相挺也太說不過去了轉眼間,我已經畢業五年了,當初心中發願始終沒有實現O...

2012-09-27 19:55:55

The 290 postcard

This postcard come from Russia. Traveled 15 days.

2012-09-27 19:53:30

The 289 postcard

This postcard come from Ukraine. Traveled 11 days.

2012-09-27 19:51:51

The 288 postcard

This postcard come from Canada. Traveled 9 days.

2012-09-27 19:48:25

The 287 postcard

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 7 days.

2012-09-15 18:56:28

The 286 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 9 days.

2012-09-15 18:55:21

The 285 postcard

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 7 days.

2012-09-15 18:51:55

The 284 postcard

This postcard come from Ukraine. Traveled 28 days.

2012-09-15 18:50:35

The 283 postcard

This postcard come from Russia. Traveled 28 days.

2012-09-15 18:49:29

The 282 postcard

This postcard come from Japan. Traveled 6 days.

2012-09-15 18:47:39

The 281 postcard

This postcard come from Kingdom. Traveled 22 days.

2012-08-24 19:29:49

The 280 postcard

This postcard come from Philippines. Traveled 15 days.

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