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2005-02-20 14:43:19

豆腐結 (淮南王的發明修正版)

打翻一鍋濃郁的純真 淡淡的焦味灑了一地 薄薄的腐皮 儘管破碎 頑固地在鍋邊掛意 於是再起一爐 甘草、當歸、花椒 和一罐誤置的烏醋作滷汁 豆泡裡漲滿著憤怒 在雙唇間爆開滿口的酸 而忘記泡軟的腐竹 成...

2005-02-20 12:24:24

午夜加油站 (0.000修正版)

0.000是距離, 有三十公升的機會去接近。 美好的下午,笑容和關心, 一彎虹橋如此輕易, 撇去上唇與下唇的分歧。 是誰嘟起了嘴跺腳? 聲音甜得我無法抗拒。 最後四毫升,細微的壓力, 齒輪巧合的接銜, 相...

2005-02-17 18:56:28


曾坐望 海的那端, 千萬個夕陽消逝。 直到浪潮送來了, 一段漂迫的相思樹。 刻做一片扁舟, 欲觸摸  這一簾絢麗的雲彩。 由於我的心急, 錯為小船置裝, 屬於飛機的螺旋槳。 於是 人與木頭, 還...

2005-02-06 19:45:17


部落之音(紀錄片觀後感) 大壩尖山,奇特的外觀聳立在雪山山脈中,特別的明顯。住在大壩尖山下的泰雅人相信大壩尖山有一塊巨石,裂開生出了人,而人在他們的語言裡就叫Tseole(澤敖列)。大壩尖山生出了澤敖列,...

2005-01-24 17:23:14

banana bread

拿著叉子和奶油與糖奮鬥的時候,我想起了妳。以前每次做 banana bread 的時候妳都那麼興奮。想著妳蹲在烤箱前面期待的眼神,聽妳聞著香味卻要等它涼的抱怨,就忍不住想和妳聯絡。但在我的MSN上,妳灰色的名字後面寫著...

2004-12-22 09:23:25

bye bye laxy

Bye bye Laxy, Sorry daddy wasn't there for you. Daddy thought mommy's going take care of you. Daddy misses you. When we first got you, we used to call you by your full name Snorlax. Then Mommy ...

2004-12-22 09:22:41

bye bye laxy

Bye bye Laxy, Sorry daddy wasn't there for you. Daddy thought mommy's going take care of you. Daddy misses you. When we first got you, we used to call you by your full name Snorlax. Then Mommy ...

2004-11-18 16:24:32

My Boo - Usher feat. Alicia Keys

(Intro) There’s always that one person that will always have your heart You never see it coming cause you’re blinded from the start Know that you’re that one for me it’s clear for everyone to s...

2004-10-26 18:46:15

【請支援】Seediq Bale 賽德克 巴萊


2004-10-06 16:18:22

He who learns

"He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God." ...

2004-10-04 17:33:50

What If - Babyface

What If - Babyface http://www.serenivision.com/wongfu/wongfu%20productions%20music%20video-%20what%20if%20(wongfuproductions.com).wmv I ran into a friend of yours the other day And I asked her ...

2004-10-04 06:17:17

卵葩 作者:網友 h

卵葩 父母對阮的殷望是卵葩 阮還未出世,熱鬧尬 『喝乎乾,祝汝生卵葩』 阿公一邊笑哈哈 朋友對阮的殷望是卵葩 誠懇無底比,道理掛 『大小目,免捧伊卵葩』 鬥陣何必比壓霸 厝內對阮的殷望是...

2004-10-04 05:27:08

卵葩 轉戴網友 h

卵葩 父母對阮的殷望是卵葩 阮還未出世,熱鬧尬 『喝乎乾,祝汝生卵葩』 阿公一邊笑哈哈 朋友對阮的殷望是卵葩 誠懇無底比,道理掛 『大小目,免捧伊卵葩』 鬥陣何必比壓霸 厝內對阮的殷望是...

2004-09-30 05:42:08

"What If" - Babyface Music Video

"What If" - Babyface Music Video http://www.serenivision.com/wongfu/wongfu%20productions%20music%20video-%20what%20if%20(wongfuproductions.com).wmv I ran into a friend of yours the other day An...

2004-09-30 05:39:44

"What If" - Babyface Music Video

"What If" - Babyface Music Video http://www.serenivision.com/wongfu/wongfu%20productions%20music%20video-%20what%20if%20(wongfuproductions.com).wmv I ran into a friend of yours the other day An...

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