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2008-07-01 02:48:30


我覺得由今日開始,我真正咁give up了,今日係我同佢分開左一個月,呢一個月我好唔開心,經歷左生同死!佢口就話好愛我。。。但我really dont understand what she thought! I have been called her this morning,b...

2008-06-28 08:36:29


聽日就係我同老公分手一個月了,一個月之前我因對佢好惡,佢走左!好唔慣,but anyway我唔會call her anymore becos she doesnt like me to find her!呢排生活怪怪的。。。 而家如果有人問我仲love唔love her,我可...

2008-06-23 14:09:35


wait 4 u... 我今日真係really唔舒服,搵唔到我老公! 老公>>你呢一刻係度做緊咩a?

2008-06-22 20:20:56

06.22 *smile*

我今日依然non-stop咁打比我老公,佢唔接my call,but anyway我同佢既love will till ever,我知佢仲好love我,而且自己依然好love佢!我之前對佢做既傷害我冇得change it,但future既我可以control& prove!我同佢既愛係經...

2008-06-21 13:47:31

06.21 I met her again...><

Today morning abt 4am,i met her again~ so today i dunno what i can type here or wht i wanna say... ”TO MYSELF” >>FUCK OFF Dorothy,if someone wanna give u up,u just let her go,even though u wait h...

2008-06-20 23:29:58

06 20 Very UnHappy Day

Today many things happened la,我今日一早同佢(Sam)嘈a,I am sure she is my love la,but today i just argue with her a,so sorry for her because i trust the wrong people who lied me that, i will nev...

2008-06-19 20:36:36

06.19~Special Day~

hiya,我今日第一日開新聞台a... 因為呢幾日我發生左好多事a,而且DR話我一氧化碳吸入過多,可能隨時係高壓氧期間又會唔記得野wo,so我就要日日write down記得既野la! Today我好似過左幾個世紀咁a,我一起身見到身邊好多...

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