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2005-12-09 15:46:24


決定了,至少在台灣一年半的未來。 心安的感覺比高興多一點,至少,可以安心的把我還在跑AIESEC的事情跟爸媽說; 至少,可以安心的把復建做完;至少,可以不用馬上去安排未知的旅程。 目前,覺得這是一個還...

2005-07-10 03:47:15


不知道已經有幾年的暑假 沒能像今年一樣完全屬於自己 不是練團,出隊,就是開會 放空了好ㄧ陣子 對於自己的感受 慢慢能夠察覺 反應累積成經驗的過程 然後真實坦然去面對 從前有些執著 不知道為什麼漸漸...

2005-02-07 02:34:15


當個幸福小女人,還是繼續追求夢想? 也許在問這個問題之前 我自己心裡早就有了答案 只是對感情這件事 之於外在現實理性等等諸多客觀環境 我總是無法冷靜分析誰重誰輕 誰先誰後 2005年1月17號 16個月之後的...

2005-02-01 23:38:20


從元智,銘傳,中山,清大,到這次2004wNCF in台大 第五次的全國大會,也是最後一次跟我最愛的team一起的全國大會 感觸很多 是那種塞得心裡滿滿 很難言喻的感觸 記得在我LCP剛上任的時候 蓮因曾經跟我說 LCP term裡...

2005-01-24 18:19:43


生活裡的一種純粹 那個曾經離我很遠的東西 現在回來了 長大的好處 是學會把複雜的東西變簡單 用乾淨的眼光 欣賞花花綠綠的世界 '與神對話','放慢生活步調','人生的9的學分'.'記得你是誰' 我瀏覽過許多文字...

2004-11-19 15:42:05

my blog

http://vicachic.blogspot.com Here my blog is,I will update more often by it. Just wondering,how to measure the distance among ppl thro internet nowadays? It's interesting that I may sit in fr...

2004-08-21 13:53:24

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met ...

2004-08-21 04:25:53

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ever...

2004-08-21 04:24:05

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ever...

2004-08-21 04:21:26

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ever...

2004-08-21 04:19:22

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ever...

2004-08-21 04:15:41

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ev...

2004-08-21 04:13:55

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ev...

2004-08-21 04:12:14

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ev...

2004-08-21 04:08:57

Once in My Lifetime

"Once in my lifetime,I have the chance to find the key to my dreams,that is so good for me. In the beginning trouble times in my life,I need a shoulder to cry on,had no direction until I met u. Ev...

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