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2007-10-08 22:10:25


真的很难过这些天 from last saturday till today the time is really difficult to pass office stuff really going to drive me mad i really not alert enough when handling things thinking of ch...

2007-10-02 13:47:11


不要去猜我在想什么 我 没有那么的复杂来了解 我就是我 不用怎样的去猜 喜怒哀乐 会在我的脸上表露 所以 怎样的改 都改不了我的性格 哭 或许 是 个很好的解决方式 不用担心 一下就会过

2007-10-02 12:11:40


Today can say is an unhappy day for me was wondering what happened to that lady boss company has cash flow problem what that related to me scold so loudly in front of so many people 心真的很...

2007-09-30 12:04:10


Saturday Early morning wake up and preparing go to work not really have mood to work and no any specified reason maybe just sick of work or due to the stupid bosses done lazy to brief in de...

2007-09-28 21:18:08


finally accounts already faxed over to auditor for their further action i thought i can relax a bit yet my lady boss come and tell me that she want the account to be done within a month the m...

2007-09-27 22:37:42


Being quite sometime i din blog my blog by using english although i knew that my english is really damn lousy i do like to read others than read mine because i know my english sentences’s struc...

2007-09-27 12:24:19


没有什么 特别的感觉 这个节日 就那么的过了 今天 已经过了三天了呢 有些回味的片刻 应该是在妹妹家里吧 可能是看到小孩子的童真 昨天 跟些朋友去看灯笼去了 没有所谓的很吸引人 有拍了些相片...

2007-09-26 10:25:50


我又再乱跑了 (这是妈妈所给的评语) 哈哈 这些天 认识了些新朋友 星期一 放了工后 直接往目的地去 因为 跟个新的朋友约好 在TPY的面包店回合 到了那边 因为是彼此都有见过面 所以 不会什么所谓...

2007-09-23 23:49:50
2007-09-21 22:54:08


Pedicure 这些日子 迷上了脚趾彩绘 刚去了弄了些在自己的脚趾上 图案还满意 享受烹煮的过程 最近 多数都是 放工回家休息 不怎么的乱晃 最多 是到NTUC买些菜 才漫步的回家去烹煮它们 很喜欢...

2007-09-13 14:07:08


这些的 心情不是很好:( 或许是种种原因所导致的这些情绪吧 记得有天 跟朋友谈天时 突然在镜头里面哭了 没有吓到你吧:P 哭 或许是一个很好的发泄管道 哭了后 人会比较舒服 to me i feel that I am...

2007-09-09 23:03:19


我的两天一日游就这样的过完了 星期六 早上九点到habour front集合 猜 这趟有多少人参加呢 还真的是很吓人呢 听那些aunty说大概有正千人呢 点名到来十点多才上船往目的地去了--batam 到了目的地大概十...

2007-09-05 19:46:27


simple words to describe my situation now... :( sick again just help to rush out for two days production work at office due to the urgent order by right the order was needed on 13/09 yet l...

2007-09-02 19:31:18

this is how spent my saturday and sunday for the week

saturday morning wake up as usual prepared and get ready to work reach office on time before stepped into the office turn to buy my breakfast then only went in to office today don’t think ...

2007-08-27 17:57:01


What am I did on last saturday Last saturday on time knock off met up with friend and travelled with her to jb At first thought we meet at sg custom and travelled to Jb together but later ...

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