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2007-09-30 21:16:21| 人氣161| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Tzu Chi Fundation

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Last night I accidentally found an exhibition of Tzu Chi Foundation in the nearby park. It exhibits many photos recording what Tzu chi people have done to help people in need around the world. The one title says: Subdued yourself, preserve propriety. This activity is trying to remind people to pay more attention on earth where the place we live. Once we start to hurt it by polluting our lands, air, water, it’s hard to heal it. Humans are selfish and take all the advantage from our mother nature.

To willingly under go hardship for the sake of others is compassion.-- Master Cheng Yen

more info: 中英靜思語

台長: musiccat
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