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晨興聖言─為着基督身體之 生命的經歷、長大與職事(第三週綱目)

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第三週 綱目



週 一

壹 在主的恢復裏,我們中間急切需要生命的長大;如果我們缺少生命的長大,主的恢復就沒有路往前,至終我們會回到基督教的光景裏,重複基督教可悲的歷史—弗四11~16,太十三31~33,提後三1~4

貳 生命最重要的事就是長大—弗四1315~16

一 如果沒有長大,不是沒有生命,就是有甚麼不對;我們需要在生命裏長大—林前三6,十四20,十六13

二 解決地方召會裏聖徒們中間的難處最好的路,就是將他們的注意力轉向生命的長大—約六57,彼前二2~3

三 在生命裏長大是召會生活實行首要的事;因此,我們該注意生命的長大—弗四1315~16

週 二

參 我們需要認識甚麼是生命的長大:

一 生命的長大是神的成分在我們裏面加多,直到我們被充滿,成為神一切的豐滿—三19二 生命的長大是基督身量的增長;我們越愛慕基督,追求基督,讓基督更多地在我們裏面活着,而得着我們的時候,基督的身量就在我們裏面逐漸增長;這就是真實的生命長大—加二20,四19,弗三17,四13

三 生命的長大是聖靈在我們裏面地位的開展;我們越隨從聖靈在我們裏面的運行,越順服聖靈在我們裏面作膏油塗抹而有的教導,聖靈在我們裏面就得以更深廣的開展祂的地位,神聖生命在我們裏面也就更多的長大—羅八11,弗五18,約壹二2027

四 生命的長大是人成分的減少,也就是人的味道減少,神的味道加多—太十六25,約十二25

週 三

五 生命的長大是天然生命的破碎,就是我們的手腕、幹才、本能都破碎了;我們若要有生命的長進,我們的恩賜必須被神剝奪,我們敬虔的殼子、敬虔的外貌,都得讓神破碎—林後四16~17

六 生命的長大是魂的各部分被征服;我們的魂越被征服,生命長大就越多;我們的魂減去的越多,生命加增的也越多—約十二24~25

肆 生命正確的長大,惟有來自與主直接、個人的接觸—林後三18

一 生命的長大來自祂活的光照,以及祂即時指出我們裏面的事來—約壹一5

1 然後我們在祂的面光中回應說,主,我愛你;主阿,我照着你的光照來接受你;我照着你即時的、現在的照耀來接受你。

2 這樣的禱告會帶進生命的長大,我們在生命長大上會邁進一大步—林前三6,弗四15

二 我們都必須特特的、專一的為着生命的長大到主面前去,與祂有直接的接觸;如果我們這樣作,裏面有些東西就會被殺死、消除,並且會有生命的長大—詩三六9

週 四

伍 我們藉着對付心而在生命裏長大—太五8,雅四8,弗三17

一 我們接受基督到靈裏以後,就需要清心,因為我們的心是能讓基督在其中生長並擴展的田地—林前六17,太五38

1 基督已撒在我們的靈裏,為要在我們的心裏長大並擴展;生命的長大就是基督在我們心裏擴展—弗三17



週 五

4 我們的心若有難處,或者我們的心不對,主就沒有路在我們裏面擴展—十五8

a 在馬太十三章三至八節以及十八至二十三節撒種者的比喻裏,主清楚指明種子不能在前三種心裏生長,因為這幾種心沒有地位讓種子生長並擴展。

b 我們若誠實面對自己,就會承認我們心裏的地位有所保留,沒有給主。

c 倘若基督這生命的種子要在我們心裏長大,我們就需要有純潔且不被霸佔的心,把每一寸心土都讓給基督,使祂能在我們裏面擴展;祂的擴展就是生命的長大—五8,弗三17

二 心懷二意的人哪,要純潔你們的心—雅四8

1 純潔我們的心就是使我們的心單一,只有一個目標;我們有一個以上的目標時,我們的心就不純潔,我們就是心懷二意—太五8

2 我們的心要成為單一並純潔的,就需要有獨一的目標,就是神自己—8節,可十二30

週 六

3 要純潔我們的心,我們需要恩典;我們需要接受主的恩典,不斷的對付我們的心—來十三9,林前十五10

4 我們需要看見我們心的光景,並要對付我們的心,主纔會有路在我們裏面擴展—太六21,十五8

三 我們是照着主的照耀來對付我們的心,而祂的照耀是逐步的;我們對付祂所光照的項目時,祂就漸漸加強祂的照耀,這樣,每次我們的心就更徹底的被察驗並得純潔—林後四6,約壹一5,啟四5

四 人心比萬物都詭詐,無法醫治,誰能識透呢?—耶十七9

1 要對付心很難,因為我們的心詭詐。

2 我們心的詭詐,部分彰顯於我們的自憐和自愛;因為我們這麼愛自己並同情自己,主就很難在我們裏面擴展—提後三2

3 主在我們的靈裏也許已經很久,但因為我們的心複雜、攙雜、混亂並詭詐,主便沒有機會從我們的靈擴展到我們的心裏—四22,耶十七9,弗三17

五 生命真實的長大不是我們長大,乃是基督在我們裏面長大—西二19

1 因為這樣的長大在於我們的心,我們需要對付我們的心,基督纔會有路在我們裏面長大—雅四8,太五8,弗三17

2 主這賜生命的靈已進入我們的靈裏,祂現今在我們的靈裏等候機會,將祂自己擴展到我們的心裏—約三6,林前六17,弗三17,帖前三13

3 這擴展就是祂在我們裏面長大,而祂在我們裏面長大,就是我們在生命裏真實的長大—西二19,弗四15

Message Three

The Urgent Need of the Growth of Life and Growing in Life by Dealing with the Heart

Scripture Reading: Eph. 4:13, 15-16; 1 Cor. 3:6; Matt. 5:8; Jer. 17:9;Eph. 3:17


Day 1

I. Among us in the Lord’s recovery, there is an urgent need of the growth of life; if we lack the growth of life, there will be no way for the recovery to go on, and eventually we will drift back into the situation of Christianity and become a repetition of the sad history of Christianity—Eph. 4:11-16; Matt. 13:31-33; 2 Tim. 3:1-4.

II. The most significant thing with life is growth—Eph. 4:13, 15-16:

A. If there is no growth, it either means that there is no life or that there is something wrong; we need to grow in life—1 Cor. 3:6; 14:20;16:13.

B. The best way to solve the problems among saints in a local church is to turn their attention to the growth of life— John 6:57; 1 Pet. 2:2-3.

C. The growth of life is the primary matter in the practice of the church life; hence, we should pay attention to the growth of life—Eph. 4:13, 15-16.

Day 2
III. We need to know what the growth of life is:

A. The growth of life is the increase of the element of God within us until we are filled unto all the fullness of God—3:19.

B. The growth of life is the increase of the measure of the stature of Christ; the more we love Christ and pursue Christ, allowing Christ to live in us and to gain us, the more the measure of the stature of
Christ will increase within us; this is the real growth of life—Gal.2:20; 4:19; Eph. 3:17; 4:13.

C. The growth of life is the expanding of the ground of the Holy Spirit within us; when we pursue the working of the Holy Spirit within us and obey the teaching of the Holy Spirit within us as the anointing,
the Holy Spirit can expand His ground extensively, and thus the divine life within us will grow to a great extent—Rom. 8:11; Eph.5:18; 1 John 2:20, 27.

D. The growth of life is the decrease of the human element, that is, the decrease of the flavor of man and the increase of the flavor of God—Matt. 16:25; John 12:25.

Day 3

E. The growth of life is the breaking of the natural life, that is, the breaking of our skills, ability, and capacity; if we desire to grow in life, our gifts must be stripped by God, and our shell of godliness and
piety must be broken by God—2 Cor. 4:16-17.

F. The growth of life is the subduing of every part of the soul; the more our soul is subdued, the more life grows; and the more our soul decreases, the more life increases— John 12:24-25.

IV. The proper growth of life comes only from direct, personal contact with the Lord—2 Cor. 3:18:

A. The growth of life comes from His living enlightenment and from His instant pointing out of things within our being—1 John 1:5:

1. Then in His presence we will respond, “Lord, I love You. Lord, I take You according to Your enlightenment. I take You according to Your instant, present shining.”

2. This kind of prayer will cause the growth of life, and we will take a great step in the growth of life—1 Cor. 3:6; Eph. 4:15.

B. We all need to go to the Lord and have direct contact with Him purposely and particularly concerning the growth of life; if we do this, something within us will be killed and eliminated, and the growth of life will come—Psa. 36:9.

Day 4

V. We grow in life by dealing with the heart—Matt. 5:8;James 4:8; Eph. 3:17:

A. After we receive Christ into our spirit, we need to be pure in heart because our heart is the field where Christ can grow and spread—1Cor. 6:17; Matt. 5:3, 8:

1. Christ has been sown into our spirit in order to grow and spread in our heart; the growth of life is the spreading of Christ in our heart—Eph. 3:17.

2. Christ desires to make His home in our heart and to take possession of every part of our inner being—v. 17.

3. The problem that limits the growth of many believers is in their heart— Matt. 6:21; 12:34-35; 13:15; 15:8; 22:37.

Day 5

4. If we have a problem with our heart or if our heart is wrong, the Lord will have no way to spread in us—15:8:

a. In the parable of the sower in Matthew 13:3-8 and 18-23, the Lord made it clear that the seed was unable to grow in the first three kinds of hearts because they had no room for the seed to grow and spread.

b. If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that we have withheld room in our heart from the Lord.

c. If Christ as the seed of life is to grow in our heart, we need to have a pure and unoccupied heart, a heart in which every inch is given to Christ so that He can spread within us; His spreading is the growth of life—5:8; Eph. 3:17.

B. “Purify your hearts, you doubled-souled!”— James 4:8:

1. To purify our heart is to make our heart single, having only one goal; when we have more than one goal, our heart is impure and we are double-souled— Matt. 5:8.

2. In order for our heart to be single and pure, we need to have a unique goal—God Himself—v. 8; Mark 12:30.

Day 6

3. To purify our heart, we need grace; we need to receive the Lord’s grace to deal with our heart continually—Heb. 13:9; 1 Cor.15:10.

4. We need to see the condition of our heart and deal with our heart so that the Lord will have the way to spread within us—Matt.6:21; 15:8.

C. Our dealing with our heart is according to the Lord’s shining, and His shining is gradual; He progressively intensifies His shining as we deal with the items that He brings to light, so that each time our heart is more thoroughly examined and purified—2 Cor. 4:6; 1 John 1:5; Rev. 4:5.

D. “The heart is deceitful above all things, / And it is incurable; / Who can know it?”— Jer. 17:9:

1. It is difficult to deal with our heart because our heart is deceitful.

2. Part of the deceitfulness of our heart is manifested in our selfpity and selflove; because we love ourselves and sympathize with ourselves so much, it is difficult for the Lord to spread within us—2 Tim. 3:2.

3. The Lord may have been in our spirit for a long time, but because our heart is complicated, mixed, confused, and deceitful, He may not have had the opportunity to spread from our spirit into our heart—4:22; Jer. 17:9; Eph. 3:17.

E. The genuine growth of life is not our growth but Christ’s growth in us—Col. 2:19:

1. Because such growth depends on our heart, we need to deal with our heart so that Christ will have a way to grow within us—James 4:8; Matt. 5:8; Eph. 3:17.

2. The Lord as the life-giving Spirit has entered into our spirit,and He is presently waiting in our spirit for the opportunity to spread Himself into our heart— John 3:6; 1 Cor. 6:17; Eph. 3:17;1 Thes. 3:13.

3. This spreading is His growth in us, and His growth in us is our genuine growth in life—Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:15.

台長: Joshuachang

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