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以下是Inglesina 嬰兒提籃 Huggy
的介紹 如果也跟我一樣喜歡不妨看看喔!
Inglesina Infant Car Seat Huggy Multifix 設計式樣: Village Denim · 2019
ergonomically shaped Infant Car Seat Huggy Multifix by Inglesina provides your little one with safety and optimum protection while traveling by car.
Group/ weight category:
- Group 0+
- Suitable from birth up to 15 months
Conforms to the norm:The Inglesina Infant Car Seat Huggy Multifix has been designed with a comfortable ergonomic shape that provides maximum protection in case of a side impact collision. The
recline angle of the car seat's backrest contributes to ultimate comfort for your little passenger.
An integrated three-point harness protects your child securely. The easy-to-use adjustable belt is padded and adapts perfectly to the size of your little one. Thus optimum seating comfort even on longer rides is guaranteed.
You can
attach the Infant Care Seat to your car by using either an Isofix-Base (not included in delivery!) or else your car's own safety belt without a base.
Due to the practical easy-clip system you can
選購指南開箱炫耀文 attach the Infant Car Seat Huggy Multifix directly to any Inglesina chassis and are thus provided with maximum mobility wherever you go - whether that be riding in the car, going for a shopping trip or consulting with a paediatrician - traveling with your child has never been easier.
The Huggy Multifix is available in various colours and trendy designs.
- Suitable from 0 to 13 kg/ group 0+
- Available in various designs
- Easy to use
- Attachment to car with or without Isofix-Base (not included in delivery!)
- Easy-clip system - carrier can be attached to any Inglesina chassis
最新出版首選- Better protection in case of side impact collision (SHP)
- Practical carrying handle
- Weight: 3,7 kg
- Made in Italy
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勇士在季後賽次輪目前為止系列賽以3-1領先鵜鶘,除了明星射手回歸Stephen Curry引發關注外,當家中鋒Draymond Green這段時間的表現令人驚豔,勇士主帥Steve Kerr也對他的好表現給出正面肯定。季後賽9場比賽Green場均可以拿到12.4分,11.2籃板、9助攻,1.8抄截、1.2阻攻,而投籃命中率高達35%。「比賽越大,Green就打得越好。」Kerr說,「越激烈的比賽,他越專注。他每晚都在對抗鵜鶘一哥Anthony Davis,而且做得很棒,和隊友作出呼應。」Kerr表示,「Green是很少見的傢伙,每一次越是關鍵的的時刻,他就變得更好。不是每個人都可以做到。」Green越打越好前一輪對上馬刺是個好例子,第4場比賽,他繳出9分18籃板9助攻。第5場比賽,攻下17分9籃板7助攻。且這樣的例子不只一次前幾年的季後賽也有相同效應。更多 NOWnews 今日新聞報導
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好用嗎?, Inglesina 嬰兒提籃 Huggy