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2004-07-27 22:36:38| 人氣14| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

take ''rice cooker''

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today i and lo por go to ngau tau kok take back the 'rice cooker' ar...but i sleep too much...4.00 sin go to there...so mo mud time...after that, we go to tai koo walk a while!!in mtr..we only know talk!!!so we till tiu keng leng sin know miss jor ar...really 8chi..
we go jor jusco in tai koo buy food eat!!we eat jor shisi ar...then we walk jor jusco a while ar...c d mo liu things ar...lo por 抽 jor 2 ugly naruto egg to me ar...lo por like d ugly file ar...yau expensive ar...so i ng allow her buy ar...she also want buy things to her student ar..she is also 8-11 bday ar~~but at last dou mo buy dou!!today we both tired ar..so only walk jor a while jau go la...i take lo por to mtr station jau back home la...
yesterday i mo bring A to beach ar...luckily it mo die..and i ho early wake up to look after her...so mo die ar...she now has 4 hearts to bb lei~~
lo por ng ho angry la...ng ho lei siu mor mosnter ar!!

台長: monicarmanzzz
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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