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2005-08-07 21:51:25| 人氣392| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Stepford Wives (2004)

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Directed by Frank Oz.

7.5 / 10

是很有趣的片子﹐ 有點暗喻諷刺性質
雖跟原著有差﹐ 雖然連貫性有點怪, 雖然結局太突兀

1. I can do better.
2. Who am I?
3. It’s not about perfection. Perfect. Perfect doesn’t work.
It’s all about Balance, Hope, Communication and the Healing Power of Love.
4. Girl Power. 以後是 女人 and 哥哥 們統治天下. YES! 哇哈哈哈﹗

也正在找 讓我崇拜至死 的那位大哥
( 今天在美食展看見嚴總裁﹐ 好開心﹐ 超崇拜 )

All I want is a better world when people who love each other where has no fighting, no hatred, and no negative energy. People who love what they are doing, people who love themselves, people who enjoy their lives, and people who have passion for life. Am I asking too much?

YES, I am asking too much.
Dreams only can be happened in the movies.
Only crazy people understand.

Movie Quotes:

*All I wanted was a better world. A world when men were men, and women were cherished and lovely.

*I want a world of romance and beauty of tuxedos and chiffon, A perfect world.

We don’t need to be perfect. How could you to this to us?

Because I was just like you. Over-stressed, over-booked, and under-loved.

*Relationship aren’t easy. Not for anyone.

*Female Improvment System
Step 1: Locate her braqin: We insert a few nano-chips, then we proram them. Also we add some secret special inridients.

*What if we could actually learn how to be happy without Paxil, or compulsive over-eating.

*Walter Kresby: She’s not a robot. She never was. I couldn’t do it.
Mike Wellington: Why not?
Walter Kresby: Because she’s not a science project. Because I didn’t marry something from RadioShack.
Mike Wellington: That’s a shame.
Joanna Eberhart: No. That’s a man.

*Mike: My real name isn’t Mike, it’s just a nickname from where I used to work.
Joanna Eberhard: Where?
Mike Wellington: Microsoft.
Ted Van Sant: NASA.
Vic Stevens: Disney.
Stan Peters: AOL.
Joanna Eberhard: Is that why the women are so slow?

*Walter Kresby: Only high-powered, neurotic, castrating, Manhattan career bitches wear black. Is that what you want to be?
Joanna Eberhart: Ever since I was a little girl.

*Bobbi Markowitz: My psychiatrist says I need creative chaos.
Roger Bannister: My shrink says I need boundaries.
Joanna Eberhart: Mine says I need enough electricity to jumpstart Vegas.

台長: 望梅止渴 是苦當歸
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