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2007-05-13 03:14:00| 人氣170| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【英倫地圖---Museum trip 2_New York Fashion】

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TIME:17 April - 23 September 2007
PLACE:V&A South Kensington,Cromwell Road,London
FEE: Free admission, room 40

New York Fashion Now

How does a designer go from being a relative unknown to becoming a tastemaker? New York Fashion Now explores the stories of twenty designers who launched their own labels in the five years between 1999 and 2004. Key to the early success of some has been the focused support of the fashion press, retailers and manufacturers, as well as the funded design competitions that help the winners pay their bills.

For many of New York’s young fashion hopefuls this support has been essential. Young designers shoulder significant economic burdens, along with the expectation to deliver creatively each season. Further, many of the featured design labels were founded around the time of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The designers, along with their staff, factories and retailers, struggled in the resultant economic downturn. Still, the number of designer-led fashion businesses founded in New York City at the turn of the 21st century is remarkable.

New York Fashion Now captures this significant moment of design productivity, both within the city’s mainstream fashion culture and outside it. The twenty featured start-up stories provide insight into how so many young hopefuls have prevailed at this particular moment.

台長: MindMap
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