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2012-01-04 00:22:36| 人氣45| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

OUR 2012 ~~

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Hubby~~ Happy New Year~~~ ^3^

A new year starts ... the special occasions "Christmas" & "Year Eve" jz passed ... & also our HALF Anniversary ... all brought us special memories, comprised of tears & happiness ~~ =)

Though everything was jz happened in a simple way ... but we did hv a great & enjoyable time~~ ^^

Getting to 2012, I wish everything will be going smoothly, with warmness, happiness & full of love between us~ & wish that we can go thru all good & hard time together, hand in hand, & keep on with our sweet sweet daily lives filled with surprises (@v@) ~~ & wish that good health & luck are being with us all along ~~

Hubby, I look forward to seeing a more lovely, soft, attentive & attractive hubby~~ =P


台長: MavisJeff
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