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2012-03-22 21:36:30| 人氣138| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

個人獲獎:2012 LSP Awards PORTRAIT Category WINNER

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Portrait Category Winner: Wang Cheng-Hsiang (汪正翔)

2012 LSP Awards PORTRAIT Category WINNER

"We liked this image in many ways. Firstly because there are several portraits in the same portrait, an invitation to reference and comparison. Secondly because of the symmetry and balance, the simplicity of lines and effective composition. Thirdly because of the surprising similarity off the two people portrayed, apart from the uniform, observe their hair, expressions and body language. One of the great characteristics of London is free entry to galleries and Museums, an endless source of inspiration for visual artists. Maybe in search of an epiphany on portraiture, the photographer found the subject right away and even on a "no cameras allowed place" was not afraid to capture this interesting environmental portrait."


London School of Photography 


台長: 汪正翔 X 蕭如君
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